Production Intent DME Fuel System Design
Design Approach Designed for CNC Manufacture-Avoids Capital Investment 35% Fewer Parts-Low Cost, Improved Reliability Higher Pressure Capability (400 Bar +) Poppet Solenoid, Low Leakage 75 HP/Cylinder Capability
Design Features-Pump 5-Cyl. Pump (vs 7) Ø10.5 Plungers (vs Ø12.5) 5 cc/rev (vs 11.7cc/rev) Bolt-on Cam w/Cermet Insert Machined Housings-No Castings 8-Bolt Pattern-No Special Seals Needed
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Pump Assembly Procedure
Common Rail Features Vacuum Brazed Tube & Block No Secondary Operations (Grinding or Straightening)-Proven Process Integral Poppet Solenoid (Zero Leak) No Solenoid O-Rings Screw-In Fittings for Tubes
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Fuel Injector Features Ø17mm Primary Diameter Ø25mm Maximum Diameter Axi-symmetric Design No Leak-Vent Needed Simple to Manufacture Low Cost
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Control Module Similar to Previous Design Housing Modified for Bolt-On Bracket New Rail Pressure Valve (Lower Cost) Electronic Backpressure Valve Will Be Replaced w/Passive Valve New, Low Cost Internal Filter
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Prototype & Low Volume Production (2000 Units/Year) AFT Can Produce Housings, Shafts, Cylinders, Semi Finished Plungers, Guide Plates, Injectors, Covers & Modules Have Ordered State of Art CNC Equipment-Delivery in 6 Weeks Outsource Finished Plungers, Slippers, Nozzle Valves, Solenoid Valves Assembly & Test Can Be Done In-House
CNC Demonstration HAAS SL-20 W/Live Tools Ordered
Prototype Cost & Lead Times Prototype Cost & Lead Times Reduced by 50% Changes Can Be Made Rapidly Assembly Simplified-Field Serviceable Easily Adaptable to Many Engines Production Planned 2009