Retrofitting Vertical Toasters Six kits are available for retrofitting the Vertical Toaster. A properly serviced toaster should have installed:
Kit addresses spring and bushing problems. New springs addressed belt slippage; new bushings addressed squeaking and bushing clips dealt with bushings rotating in the toaster’s framework
Clips were added to hold lower bushings. The clips, shown here holding the earlier red bushings, prevented the bushings from rotating in the framework, which cut into the body of the bushing.
White bushings are now used throughout the toaster.
The 1567 kit also included stiffeners for the toaster cover, which were added behind the handles and addressed distortion of the cover caused by rough handling.
Kit again addressed chain tension and provided instructions on pinning the idler in place. Pinning the idler ensured a constant slight tension on the chain. The new spring-loaded idler eliminates the need to pin the idler.
Improper chain tension can lead to unevenly worn sprockets. The idler sprocket below right exhibits a sawtooth-like shape, which is characteristic of running with an improperly tensioned or aligned chain. New sprocketBadly worn sprocket
In all kits, sprocket alignment and chain tension are critically important. When reassembling the unit, use a ruler to ensure the sprockets are all in the same plane.
The chain should have 1/8” deflection on the lower run.
The kit also provided heat shrink for wiring and a crumb catcher to protect the chain from bread debris.
Kit introduced a new motor, the Saia, and added a bushing brace on the drive side of the unit.
The bushing brace reduces stress on bushings that support the drive sprockets.
Kit addressed contact between the rear drive roller and the crumb barrier on the bottom of the platen. This problem was not evident in all toasters. Contact between the rim of the roller and the crumb barrier could occur with expansion introduced by the platen.
A roller rim worn smooth at this point is indication of contact.
Kit introduced a new.27 uF capacitor for the Saia motor. Motors with the original capacitor could stall under load. Saia motor with new capacitor.Original capacitor.
Kit includes a spring-loaded idler, a new upper idler and bracket.
Active Retrofit Kits for the Vertical Toaster