OXFORD CENTRE FOR INNOVATION | New Road, Oxford, OX1 1BY | Office: | | Url: Experience Centre
MyF-M plans to create experience centers in-country in partnership with leading family centric brands. The objective of the centers is to give subscribers and the market a place where they can have a feel of MyF-M products and services. The experience center will be complete with the following amongst others: Internet access Display units MPERS devices Android tablets Tag Rugby kit Tag Rugby video clips Protectors of the Realm video clips/slides MyF-M will take over a portion of the partner outlet preferably the children area where one exists and where there is none, MyF-m will seek to create one. The location will be equipped with all the above listed items at MyF-M cost. The objective of the experience center is to give patrons of the partner outlet and other members of the public a feel of the MyF-M services. Patrons of the partner shops will be in a position to monitor the activities of their children and wards while at the centre utilizing all the features of MyF-M platform at no cost to them. These features include: GPS/BLUETOOTH TRACKING bracelets BREADCRUMBING ALERTS SOS ALERT The experience center will enable all patrons within the market bracket of MyF-M utilize the experience centre which will include children having a wearable mobile device which will enable the parents track and monitor their activities while they have fun. Parents on the other hand will be provided android tablets from where they will be able to track, monitor and where necessary recover their children or wards, helping them to connect, live and protect the young ones. Experience Centre Protectors of the Realm Zones
MyFamily Mobile (“MyF-M”) Experience Centre is a place where all the family can head to for fun and games that help with family bonding and skills development. MyF-M have selected activities that allow children from the age of 3 to 16 express their talents in an uninhibited but safe environment. Parents and guardians are able to relax in the knowledge that every child wears one of our devices and with the aid of the tablets distributed to each family the children are constantly monitored and observed. There are four (4) zones at the Experience Centre. 1.Creative Zone (otherwise known as “The Constructor” Zone) 2.Tag Zone (otherwise known as “Power Steel” Zone) 3.Fencing Zone (otherwise known as “Warrior Princess” Zone) 4.Digital Content Zone (otherwise known as “The Emperor” Zone) Experience Centre Introduction
Parents or guardians only need: A.Select a Zone B.Register for that Zone with the assistance of our onsite resources C.Select a MyF-M device for the child or children to wear whilst at the Experience Centre D.Setup on the MyF-M web portal E.Select a web tablet for use whilst in store Children may move from zone to zone whilst in store, however they must deregister from one zone and register for another. Access to the Experience Centre is entirely free and access to all zones is free. There are certain “perks” available to Subscribers of MyFamily Mobile in each zone ranging from: 1.MyF-M subscriber designate masks and tops for Fencing Zone 2.MyF-M subscriber designate kit for the Tag Zone 3.MyF-M subscriber gets extra content unlocked n the Digital Content Zone 4.MyF-M subscriber gets more colour charts to paint or crayon with a different type of apron 5.MyF-M subscribers have unlimited time access to each zone while non subscribers have just 15 minutes in a zone A. B. E. C. D. Experience Centre Access Warrior Princess The Emperor Power Steel The Constructor select
Services Internet access Display units MPERS devices Web tablets Tag Rugby kit Tag Rugby video clips Protectors of the Realm video clips/slides Human resources Shop front staff Experience centre staff Management Equip patrons with requisite devices Manage children within the experience centre Retrieve all devices from patrons at the end of their stay Handle all sales request from patrons Experience Centre MyF-M Responsibilities
Location Provide location within the shop/outlet for a MyF-M Experience Centre Handle all/any physical or infrastructural remodeling required Work with MyF-M in identifying types of equipment that may be required Marketing Distribute any marketing collateral introduced by MyF-M Use any/all media available to introduce MyF-M experience centre to patrons Participate in any coupon redemption activities as it relates to partner products Periodically run MyF-M marketing collateral/video clips on display units Gift Management Make products available for patrons and subscribers or potential subscribers of MyF-M as free gifts Give out MyF-M products and service made available to patrons of the shop Create and agree on a mutually agreeable platform for redemption of free gifts and gift coupons of both parties Participate in all promotional activities special events of MyF-M Experience Centre Partner Responsibilities
Experience Centre MyF-M Deliverables (1) the constructor ("TC") - Creative Zone demo kit (crayon pack, paint, colouring paper, brushes etc...) crayon (the constructor "mides world") water colour paints (the constructor "mides world") colouring paper pages (the constructor "mides world") art easel pack of brushes fun loom bands (pack of 1,000) brush cleaner cups paint apron fun loom table painting and crayon table warrior princess ("WP") zone - Fencing Zone children blades children masks plastroon jackets gloves bag
Experience Centre MyF-M Deliverables (2) power steel ("PS") - Tag Rugby Zone tag rugby belts tag rugby tags (orange) tag rugby tags (white) size 3 balls size 5 balls towels first aid kit bibs (orange) bibs (white) cones kit bag ball bag the emperor ("TE") Digital Content Zone web tablet e-books games secure tablet table holder
OXFORD CENTRE FOR INNOVATION | New Road, Oxford, OX1 1BY | Office: | | Url: Experience Centre