For the Story The Fun They Had
Dispute Definition: To argue against or challenge in debate Example: I cannot dispute the suggestion that we should eat from the four major food groups each day.
Nonchalantly Definition: Not excited or concerned Example: The judge nonchalantly placed the silver medal around the skater’s neck.
Sorrowfully Definition: Feeling or showing sadness or distress of mind because of some loss or misfortune Example: Emily looked sorrowfully at the rain- soaked library book.
Loftily Definition: Proud or arrogant Example: James loftily announced that he would win the competition.
Adjusted Definition: To arrange so as to fit or match Example: The seamstress adjusted the hem of my dress to the length I wanted.
Scornful Definition: Showing a feeling of hatred or contempt for someone or something considered bad Example: The punishment sounded scornful and harsh to me.
Century Definition: A period of one hundred years Example: Our families tradition lasted for over a century.
Insert Definition: To put in Example: Please interest your credit card into the machine.
Credits *Reading book glossary: Trophies * ces+for+the+word+scornful&spell=1 That’s all there is… enjoy the rest of your day!!!!!!!!! : )