Four Key Elements Poe has four distinct key elements in his writing style: 1. Interrupters 2. Repetition and italicized words 3. First person point-of-view 4. Rhythmic language
Interrupters: Dashes and other interrupters create a sense of agitation. Example: “I would be avenged; this is a point definitely settled– but the very definiteness with which it was resolved, precluded the idea of risk.” - From “Cask of Amontillado”
Repetition and Italicized Words: emphasize feelings and emotions. Example: “At length I will be avenged….” “I will not only punish, but punish with immunity.” - From “Cask of Amontillado”
First person point-of-view: makes horror seem immediate. Example: “Presently, my soul grew stronger” from “The Raven” “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could…” from “Cask of Amontillado”
Rhythmic language: conveys the intensity of the narrator’s thoughts. Example: “I must not only punish, but punish with immunity. A wrong is unredressed with retribution overtakes its redresser. It is unequally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.” - From “The Cask of Amontillado”