Valencia’s Start Right: Closing the Achievement Gaps in Developmental Education
Overview of Presentation Start Right and Vanguard College Valencia’s Strategic Planning Initial Data analysis Gaps Identified in Success Rates Targeted Courses, Implementation Timeline & Participation #s Closing the Gaps
Entering Student Success Institute
Mandatory!!!! New Student Orientation * ATLAS* Deadlines are real* (flex start classes) Start Right LifeMap
Start Right No Adding classes after first class has met. Prep Sequence Reading Student Success Course (if 3-prep student added Fall 2006) Mathematics English (Writing)
LifeMap YOUR plan for your semester…… your degree ….. your life! Life’s a Trip...You’ll need directions!
FOCUS!!!! HOW??? Entering Student Success Institute
Achieving the Dream Opportunity Identify challenges Include students historically underserved Choose “fix” strategies & bring to scale Study implementation results Apply lessons toward further improvement Continue the cycle… Entering Student Success Institute
Achieving the Dream Leverage External commitment Goals & time lines Progress reports Coaching guidance/encouragement Connection to community of learners Focus & discipline Entering Student Success Institute
What did we discover? Valencia’s performance gaps: Between college-ready & underprepared Between math & other disciplines Across racial and ethnic groups
Gap 1: Progression and Completion rates are lower for under prepared students (Fall 2000) Fall 2000 FTIC Students n = 3741 n = 966 n = 2775
Gap 2: Hispanics and African Americans fall below other groups; Asians lead
Gap 3: Math courses dominate the list of 10 courses with lowest success rates
Gap 3: Math has high enrollment and low success rates
Targeted Courses Developmental Pre-Algebra Beginning Algebra Intermediate Algebra Gateway College Algebra Freshman Comp I U.S. Government
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Innovation Management System 1000’s of opportunties tried. Maintain a Research and Development Component. Climate of Innovation Level I Level II Level III “Eye for Evidence”: More rigorous at each level. Standard of evidence increases at each level. 100 are selected for support as Phase I Innovations. “Angel Capital Stage” Prototype 10 supported as Phase II Innovations. “Venture Capital Stage” Pilot Implementation (Limited Scale) 1 or 2 are brought up to scale and Institutionalized. Level II Innovations must be scalable and must show potential to bring systemic change and “business-changing results.” Valencia’s challenge is in moving from Level II to Level III.
What approaches did we choose? Strategies that are effective, ripe, scalable: Supplemental Learning Learning in Community (LinC) Student Life Skills course All help build “connection and direction.” Entering Student Success Institute
Strategy Implementation Timeline Phase I Supplemental Learning Phase II Linked SLS Course (LinC) Phase III Linked Interdisciplinary Courses (LinC) ENC1101, POS2041,MAC1105 w/ Other Courses SLSLinC SLS LinC w/ MAT 0012, 0024, 1033 & w/ ENC 1101, POS 2041, MAC1105 as option Phase IV Required SLS Enrollment 3 3 Prep Course Mandates MAT 0012, 0024, 1033 ENC 1101, POS 2041, MAC
Student Success Expansion Learning Communities Math and SLS and Interdisciplinary Courses Supplemental Learning Community Focus Groups SAS Implementation for AtD AtD Consultant Team West Campus Team Coordinating Team/ Leadership Team Valencia AtD Coordinating Teams Data Team College Learning Council (Core Team) Coordinating Teams (Campus Based and College-wide) Consultants Focus Group Faciliatators East Campus Team Osceola Campus Team Winter Park Campus Team
Supplemental Learning (SL) Course Success In each comparison, Fall, Spring and Summer: Success (A, B, or C) was higher for SL sections Unsuccess (D, F, or WF) and Withdrawal (W, or WP) were lower for SL sections Fall Success rates were significantly different for SL sections (*p<.10) for all ethnicities (N = 65 Instructors, N = 5157 students) African American students All courses: 10.36% higher (p=0.029) Developmental: 8.53% higher (*p=0.167) Gateway: 15.65% higher (p=0.019) Hispanic students All courses: 7.07% higher (p=0.007) Developmental: 7.59% higher (p=0.025) Gateway: 6.65% higher (p=0.099) *With one exception.
Learning in Community (LinC) Research Report Students who enrolled in LinC courses successfully completed the courses at higher rates than students in the same courses that were not LinC’d (10.4%) This effect was even greater for Hispanic (11.9%) and African- American (11.6%) students The greatest effect was in math courses, particularly developmental courses
Student Success Course Mandate Research Summary Fall to Spring persistence increased, particularly for Hispanic and African American students Fall to Fall persistence did not increase, except for Hispanic students Course success rates increased for Hispanic and African American students
College-wide, Longitudinal Data!
1. Progression Through College at Benchmarks for Fall FTIC
2&3. Enroll In and Successfully Complete (C or better) Targeted Courses
4. Persistence From One Term to the Next
5. Earn a Certificate or Degree
5. Graduation Rates by Ethnicity (College-Ready)
Entering Student Success Institute 5. Graduation Rates by Ethnicity (Not College-Ready)
Julie Phelps, Professor of Mathematics & Project Director of Achieving the Dream (2005 – 2009) Phone – – ATD web site: