PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( Implementation of a SQL Engine for LDAP Shiv Shankar Ramakrishnan, Ranjeet Sonone, Shyam Gopale LDAP-RDBMS integration product group, PSPL
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( An example of where LDAP fits
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( Sample LDAP usage White Pages "I want to look up so-and-so and get their address and phone number..." Yellow Pages "List me all the printers.." Attribute Mapping "Give me the company ID number of the person whose login ID is..." "Give me the routing address of this person...” Directory-enabled networking “Give me the traffic policy for this department …” “Give me the preferences last used by this client …”
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( About LDAP ou = people, o = cn = RanjeetS ou = engineering cn = ShyamG cn = ShivR cn = AdityaP ou = groups cn = Sat Lectures cn = Fri Lectures DN, RDN, hierarchy object class, attribute base, one level, subtree operations search, insert, update, delete, modrdn, moddn multi-valued attributes
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( Database/LDAP integration LDAP Application RDBMS Server LDAP Server RDBMS Application SQL to LDAP (PS EnList) Synchronization (PS EnSure) LDAP to SQL (?)
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( Example of a table mapping ou = people, o = cn = RanjeetS ou = engineering cn = ShyamG cn = ShivR cn = AdityaP ou = groups cn = Sat Lectures cn = Fri Lectures
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( PS EnList: relational view of LDAP data The tree below an entry is viewed as a table, entries as records/tuples. A table definition determines the entries returned and the attributes which are searched. base DN, object classes, scope, column-attribute mapping, PK selection, datatypes
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( PS EnList SQL engine requirements Standards-based interfaces Multi-valued attributes Exploit the server functionality Almost as fast as LDAP Product extensibility data source consolidation PERL operator LDAP client LDAP Server Metadata SQL Engine ODBC Interface Data
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( Consider a sample query “Give unique, ordered telephone numbers for all groups with at least one ‘MTS’ from ‘Engineering’ as a member of the group. Multivalued attributes, operators - filters, join, distinct ou = people, o = cn = RanjeetS ou = engineering cn = ShyamG cn = ShivR cn = AdityaP ou = groups cn = Sat Lectures cn = Fri Lectures
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( SQL for the sample query Select distinct Grp.Tel, Ppl.dn from Grp, G_members, Ppl where Ppl.title = ‘MTS’ and Ppl.dept = ‘engineering’ and G_member.dn = Grp.dn and G_member.member = Ppl.dn order by Ppl.dn
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( Using the PERL operator for ‘parent of’ “Find telephone numbers of departments with ‘Joshi’ in them.” Select Dept.Tel, Dept.Name from Dept, Ppl where Ppl.surname = ‘Joshi’ and Dept.dn = STRIPRDN(Ppl.dn)
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( LDAP related operators LDAP scan scan on the view table Special LDAP related optimization Filter and sort could be combined with ldap scan ldap directory could be treated as index and could do index join
PSPL Persistent Systems Private Limited ( Future challenges A structured approach to splitting the query between the LDAP server and PS EnList Caching of query results Consolidation of schema across servers High-value operators and SQL extensions Recognizing LDAP usage and placing optimizations according to usage