Wondering what to do after high school? The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB can help. Who: High school students - YOU When: February 24 th (sign up by Feb. 19 th ) Where: McMinnville High School Library Why: Great way to help you determine your strength and match them to a career. NO MILITARY OBLIGATION. CAREER PORTFOLIO ACTIVITY – 100pts
ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
ASVAB Preview Objective: Upon completion of this lesson: Students will understand the importance of thinking about their future plans after the completion of high school. Students will understand what the ASVAB test will do for them by helping them determine their strengths and then matching those to possible career areas.
ASVAB History Test administered by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, used to determine qualification for enlistment in the United States armed forces.United States Military Entrance Processing CommandUnited States armed forces The ASVAB was first introduced in 1968 and was adopted by all branches of the military in 1976
Military Standards for Enlistment Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) Required minimum scores as of January 2009 (unless otherwise noted) are as follows: Air Force 50 (as of October 2009) Air National Guard 36 (GED Graduate is 50) Coast Guard (AFQT) 45 Navy (AFQT) 35(GED is 50) Marines (AFQT) 32 Army (AFQT) 31 GED holders who earn 15 college credits 100 level or greater are considered equivalent with those holding high school diplomas. This would result in only needing the minimum score to enlist
ASVAB Test and Scores The ASVAB consists of eight short tests that help you identify your skills in a variety of areas. After taking the ASVAB, you will receive three Career Exploration Scores. These scores tell you your current strengths in verbal, math, and science and technical skills.eight short tests The ASVAB scores allow you to compare your test performance with that of other students at your grade level.
ASVAB Career Exploration Program ASVAB Career Exploration Program has provided high quality, cost-free career exploration and planning materials and services to high schools across the nation. From surveys of participating students, we learned the following: 76% of the students who participated did so because of their interest in making appropriate post- high school career and educational plans. 31% of the students who participated did so because of their interest in military service. 62% of those who participated reported that the ASVAB Program helped them to connect their skills and interests with appropriate career choices. 63% of those who participated say the ASVAB Program helped them to consider careers they had not thought about before.
Common ASVAB Questions WHAT IF I FAIL THE ASVAB? There is no pass or fail on the ASVAB. You cannot "ace" the ASVAB or "flunk" it! Your scores reflect your own abilities! IS THERE A SPANISH ASVAB? No. This is a frequently asked question. The ASVAB test does not exist in any other language. Service regulations, technical manuals, operations orders, etc. are all written in English. You will have to be able to function in English in the military, which is why the ASVAB test is given in English only.
Common ASVAB Questions When can I take the ASVAB? Can I take it over again if necessary? You can take the ASVAB as early as your sophomore year in high school. If you take the ASVAB as a sophomore your score will not be used for joining the military. If need be, you may retake the ASVAB after 30 days, and again 30 days later. If I take the ASVAB, am I committed to joining the military? Taking the ASVAB does not commit you to anything. A military recruiter may contact you after taking the ASVAB. The ASVAB can help you determine your own interests and aptitude even if you are not planning to
Common ASVAB Questions Does the ASVAB have any influence on my high school grades? The ASVAB has no impact on your high school grades. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Exploring the ASVAB Goto: asvabprogram.com Answer the following questions by searching through the website: What % of the students who participated did so because of their interest in making appropriate post-high school career and educational plans. What % of the students who participated did so because of their interest in military service. What % of those who participated reported that the ASVAB Program helped them to connect their skills and interests with appropriate career choices. What % of those who participated say the ASVAB Program helped them to consider careers they had not thought about before.