ICTs for Agricultural Extension A study in the Indian Himalayan Region V.L.V.Kameswari INDIA
Introduction Increase in agricultural production is constrained by limited land and water availability. Further growth can be achieved only through increase in yield. Serious gaps exist in transfer of technology. This gap can be bridged by an effective extension system.
Extension system in India Public extension system Mass media Interpersonal contact
Limitations of extension system Decreasing fund allocation. Limited capacities of extension staff. Large number of farm families. Poor reach to marginal and small farmers. Low literacy rate among farming community.
E-extension Use of ICTs has been put forth for: Bridging the knowledge deficit among farmers Enhancing the capabilities of extension personnel, and Strengthening the research-extension- farmer linkages.
Objective To examine their relevance to the farming community and explore ways of integrating ICTs with the existing public extension service to overcome these challenges.
Study area Study was conducted in the state of Uttarakhand Falls in the Indian Himalayan region. Eight villages from four hill districts were selected for the study.
Study area
Study Area
Methodology Pilot study: Finalize the tool. Phase I: Villages were selected randomly in Garhwal division. Phase II: Only those villages which were agriculturally “productive” were chosen. Additional criteria (distance from market and availability of transportation) were taken into consideration.
Findings- Landholding pattern
Findings- Occupational pattern
Findings- Media Ownership
Findings- Source of agricultural information RankSource IMiddlemen/ input dealers IIGovernment agencies IIIInterpersonal networks
Findings- Source credibility RankSource IGovernment agencies IIInterpersonal networks IIIMiddlemen/ input dealers
Findings- Media usage for farm information
Conclusions Information deficit does not necessarily lead to information seeking behaviour. It depends on the value information can add to that enterprise. In the absence of other factors, farmers are not able to leverage new/ additional information and transform it into tangible benefits (increased income or enhanced productivity).
Objectives To document the communication behaviour of the farming community with specific reference to ICTs in the study area. To enlist the constraints surrounding the use of ICTs for agriculture by farming community. To study the relationship between economic and socio- cultural characteristics of farmers and constraints faced in the use of ICTs for agriculture. To study the relationship between different types of ICTs and constraints faced by the farmers. To develop an ICT based integrated Agricultural Knowledge Information System for the study area.