ACCORDING TO According to scientific realism. (Según el realismo científico.)
AS IF Time has stopped such that.... it seems as if it waits for you. (El tiempo se ha parado como..... si esperara por ti.)
AS LONG AS As long as you love me (Siempre que me ames)
AS OFTEN AS As often as you can (Tan a menudo como puedas)
BECAUSE OF All Because of Love Quotes (Todo por culpa de Love Quotes)
EVEN WHEN Even when we fight I still love you (Incluso cuando luchamos te amo todavía)
IN ORDER THAT In order that people may be happy (Con el fin de que la gente pueda ser feliz)
NEITHER…NOR She neither listens to nor respects her parents. (Ella ni escucha ni respeta a sus padres.)
WHETHER…OR I cannot see whether or not you have a card. (No alcanzo a ver si usted tiene tarjeta o no.)