Urban Mathematics Education Leadership Academy Session 1 February 4-6, 2009 Dallas, TX.


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Presentation transcript:

Urban Mathematics Education Leadership Academy Session 1 February 4-6, 2009 Dallas, TX

Welcome Urban Math Leaders If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants. Isaac Newton (Leading Every Day, Book One, Day 8 Quote)

Seasonal Partners Summer Fall Winter Spring

Purposes of the Academy To help leaders of mathematics education succeed in their role of planning and carrying out wide-scale changes at all levels of the education system. To assist leaders to gain knowledge, skills, and strategies for initiating, implementing, and sustaining educational improvements that help all students learn. To build a strong, supportive, and ongoing learning community for leaders of mathematics education.

Guiding Principles The vision of the NCTM Standards and Research A supportive, ongoing learning community Job-embedded learning Learning through varied formats and structures Using knowledge from research, practice, and data- gathering to make informed decisions Modeling a professional learning community Grounding all learning in the context of mathematics education reform issues

Components of the Academy Four Leadership Development Workshops Project Learning Goals Plan Portfolio Sharing Resources Ongoing Networking

You Are Here  Session 1: February 4-6, 2009 –Academy Orientation and Effective Leadership Practices –Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Effective Professional Development Session 2: May 18-20, 2009 –Facilitating Teacher Learning in Mathematics –Using Research to Inform Practice –Developing Facilitation Skills for Collaborative Groups Session 3: September 23-25, 2009 –Leading Individual and Organizational Change Session 4: December 9-11, 2009 –Leadership Skills for Sustaining Effective Practice –Portfolio Sharing Session 1 Academy Leadership

Project Learning Goals Plan Daily Reflections Tailored to the Topic and Content Presented To reflect on your learning experiences in the Leadership Academy To guide you to apply learning to your own leadership roles To facilitate the implementation of your new ideas and work

Resources Agenda Books Professional Books Resource Table Academy Colleagues Photo Wall Facilitation Strategies Comment Cards

Ongoing Networking Resources and updates from Staff Communicating with other Academy Colleagues to support your work in your sites Online discussions and sharing of information

Ground Rules for Collaborative Learning She/he who works, learns Challenge ideas Everyone has expertise Share “talk time” and engage in active listening Phrase questions for the benefit of everyone Take time for assimilation of and reflection on learning Take care of your own needs, physically and intellectually Honor times

Session 1 Goals: Day 1 Understand the components of the Leadership Academy Learn effective leadership practices Identify strengths and areas for growth in your own leadership Identify what is needed for effective teacher leadership Apply learning to your own work Network with staff and academy colleagues

Leading Every Day Effective Leadership Practices

A miracle worker who can do more with less, pacify rival groups, endure chronic second guessing, tolerate low levels of support, process large volumes of paper, and work double shifts. He or she will have carte blanche to innovate, but cannot spend much money, replace any personnel or upset any constituency. Michael Fullan Wanted…

Reflection on Personal Best What was the situation? What actions did you take that contributed to this being a “personal best” for you as a leader?

Pair and Share Get together with your summer partner Take 2-3 minutes each to share your examples of effective leadership

Leadership Practices Return to your tables and generate a list of 3-5 effective leadership practices suggested by your experiences. Report out

Roles of Leaders “Leaders do not control they enable others to act.” Kouzes & Posner

What did the leader (s) do that demonstrated effective leadership? How were these similar or different from your own leadership experiences? What did you see? What did you not see in terms of effective leadership? Images of Leadership: Ratatouille

Leadership Practices Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart

Personal Inventory Complete the Inventory Use Response Sheet to record and then tally your scores (by columns)

Percentile Rankings Label the Response Sheet Columns: –Column #1: Model the Way –Column #2: Inspire a Shared Vision –Column #3: Challenge the Process –Column #4: Enable Others to Act –Column #5: Encourage the Heart Find your strengths/weaknesses based on the national percentiles (Note different order of practices on sheet.)

Model the Way Leaders set goals that enable followers to experience small wins as they work toward larger goals. They are conscious of possible roadblocks and take steps to remove them.

Inspire a Shared Vision This practice is about envisioning the future and enlisting others in a common vision. Leaders create enthusiasm and commitment among followers to embrace the common vision by appealing to their personal visions, values, interests, hopes, and dreams.

Challenge the Process Effective leaders search for opportunities to change the status quo because they believe that the status quo breeds mediocrity. Effective leaders take risks and see mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth.

Enable Others to Act This practice is about fostering collaboration and strengthening people. Leaders know that they cannot do it alone. They build teams and a culture of collaboration.

Encourage the Heart This practice is about recognizing contributions and celebrating accomplishments.

What did the leader (s) do that demonstrated effective leadership? How did these reflect the Five Leadership Practices from Kouzes and Posner? In what ways is this similar to your role as a math leader? Images of Leadership: Sister Act

Explore Actions of Leaders Identify a practice that is one of your strengths. Go to the table for the practice you selected. Your group’s product is to generate a list of actions associated with the practice, based on: –Your own use of specific actions –Ideas from the Leading Every Day selections –The Kouzes & Posner suggested actions

Exploring Actions Identify a practice that is one you would like to enhance. Go to the table for the practice you selected. With others at the table, consult the list that was generated by the prior group. Read the Leading Every Day selections and consult the Kouzes & Posner suggested actions. Add any additional actions you would like to use to the list.

Table Discussions What are some of the key messages in your readings? Using handout on page 37, discuss: –As math leaders who are the key audiences you need to reach? What are the leadership practices you might use for each of your audiences? For example, what specific actions would you take to model the way or challenge the process with principals or teachers in your setting?

Metaphors of Leadership “Be a lamp, lifeboat or ladder.” Rumi 13th Century Poet

Case Discussion Who’s the Expert Around Here? –Can someone summarize what happened in this case? –What is the central problem in this case? –Are there other dilemmas? What are they? –What do you believe are the issues that contribute to the central problem?

Perspective Taking What is this character’s view of the math specialist role? Identify 3-4 phrases this character might use to describe the math specialist role. What concerns does this character have about how the role is being carried out? Select one quote from this character that illustrates his/her perspective on the math specialist role.

What is an Expert? What are the different kinds of knowledge a teacher leader must possess? What expertise do the following situations require: –Doing a demonstration lesson –Organizing a building-wide math Olympics –Supporting teachers to prepare students for state tests –Leading professional development for colleagues –Advocating for math education reform among teachers, administrators, and parents?

Applying the Case What situations in your own school or district call upon teachers leader expertise? What kind of expertise? How are you supporting the development of this expertise in your own settings? What else is needed?

Reflections on Learning Day 1 Learning Goals Plan: Reflect on your learning, set goals, identify strategies, and note resources. Think about how you might share your learning with colleagues.

Feedback “Gots and Needs” Help us reflect on the day and plan for tomorrow by writing at least one thing you “Got” today and one thing you still “Need.” Post on the Chart as you leave.