2 Definition The Michigan New Church Incubator (NCI) is a 4-stage strategy to help a new church begin with a healthy DNA to be a strong, reproducing congregation.
3 Definition The Michigan New Church Incubator (NCI) may offer a wide variety of consulting or other services to provide the new church with needed resources to start well and overcome common problems. The MI-NCI will network to resource the new church with more concrete aid, such as office space, supplies, materials, financial resources, intellectual capital and more. Church Starters and new churches that participate with the Michigan New Church Incubator will experience a much higher success rate than those that do not have the NCI support system.
4 4 STAGES Stage 1: Enlist (Discovery) Stage 2: Explore (Assessment) Stage 3: Equip (Training) Stage 4: Enable (Empower)
5 ENLIST (Discover) ENLISTING top quality Church Starters to start new churches in Michigan … and Church Starters DISCOVERING God’s plan for them to start a new church in Michigan
6 EXPLORE (Assess) Walking with you as you EXPLORE … Online pre-assessment (Church Planter Profiles) JumpStart 4 Church Starters (2-Day Event) Michigan Church Starter Assessment Center (Multi-Day Assessment Event)
7 EXPLORE (Assess) Walking with you as you EXPLORE … A professional development event for men that are starting a church within the next 6-18 months. Using a mixture of virtual classrooms, live events, and personal interviews, participants will be prepared to launch a healthy church. An experienced team of church starting leaders will come alongside participants to walk through the process.
8 EXPLORE (Assess) Walking with you as you EXPLORE …
10 The Michigan Church Starter Assessment Center will assess for quality leaders that exhibit three (3) essential building blocks necessary for an effective Church Starter. It would look like this …
11 (Foundation) CHRIST: “I Will Build My Church” (1) Servant Leadership (2) Evangelistic Leadership (3) Entrepreneurial Leadership Healthy Reproducing Church
Eligible for Optional Supplemental Funding
13 EQUIP (Training) Training 5-Star Church Starters – –Equipping Events – –Personal Coaching & Mentors – –Church Starting Networks – –Church Start Proposal Completed
14 EQUIP (Training) Training 5-Star Church Starters – –Learning about MI Culture – –Doctrine: Understanding the Baptist Faith and Message – –MinistrySafe Training
15 ENABLE (Empower) Enabling Church Starters to lead their new church to be self-supporting, self- governing, and reproducing Partnerships continued to empower the new church “get on its on feet.”