WWII Jeopardy $100 IsolationistInterventionThe War The Homefront Round 2 $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300.


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Presentation transcript:

WWII Jeopardy $100 IsolationistInterventionThe War The Homefront Round 2 $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

1 - $100 Define isolationism. - Isolationism = Americans that were against the war, wanted to remain out of the European war.

1 - $200 Explain the Neutrality Acts. How did they demonstrate U.S. isolationism? - US could not sell weapons to any country at war. This shows isolationism in the aspect that the US does not want to “take sides” in the war

1 - $300 What was the Munich Conference/Agreement? - Signed by Germany with France/Great Britain in which Hitler agreed not to invade any other countries. Britain/France – known as appeasement.

1 - $400 Give 3 specific examples of German and Japanese aggression. Explain the corresponding U.S. isolationist reaction to that policy. a. Japanese – expansion into Manchuria – why? For economic and military reasons b. Germans – invasion of the Rhineland, violation of the treaty of Versailles c. Germans – build their army, violation of the treaty of the Versailles

1 - $500 Why did American’s gradually move away from isolationism to interventionism? - After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Americans no longer wanted to remain isolationist. They wanted revenge for the surprise attack by the Japanese. US declared war on Japan

2 - $100 Define Interventionism - = Americans that wanted to join the war – wanted to help the British defeat the Nazis

2 - $200 What was the Selective Service Act of 1941? Because of this act; what will America have at the end of 1941? - A voluntary draft to enlist men into the armed forces. At the end of 1941, America will have a military draft that required men between the ages of to enlist

2 - $300 What was Japan’s reaction to the economic embargo placed on it by the United States? Determination to continue their conquests throughout Asia. Boycott the purchasing of US goods.

2 - $400 Explain the Lend-Lease Act. Why did the U.S. pass this act? Why is this a policy of interventionism? - The US could “lend” armaments to a country. US passed to justify that they could give weapons to any country that would protect America if they were in danger.

2 - $500 What event finally caused US Isolationists and US interventionists agree to declare war? Give the date. What event finally caused US Isolationists and US interventionists agree to declare war? Give the date. Attack on Pearl Harbor – December 7 th 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor – December 7 th 1941

3 - $100 Explain America’s “island hopping” strategy used in the Pacific. Why did Americans abandon this strategy? the US would conquer an island, skip to the next, conquer. Goal was to gain land closer to Japan one step at a time. Abandoned plan because of time, cost, and casualties lost

3 - $200 Why did Truman bomb Hiroshima? - To bring an end to WWII by having Japan agree to an unconditional surrender.

3 - $300 What was the biggest challenge the U.S. military faced during WWII? - Building an army, developing military supplies – converting from consumer production to military production to create enough weapons, fighting a two-front war

3 - $400 Why was D-Day a crucial turning point in the war? Why was D-Day a crucial turning point in the war? Allied forces gained control of the Normandy Beach head. This began the liberation of Europe Allied forces gained control of the Normandy Beach head. This began the liberation of Europe

3 - $500 What was the Battle of the Bulge? What was the Battle of the Bulge? Hitler’s last attempt to fight the allies. Hitler lost, Germany soon surrendered. Hitler’s last attempt to fight the allies. Hitler lost, Germany soon surrendered.

4 - $100 Define Gross Domestic Product. - GDP is the amount of goods and services produced in a country in a given year. High GDP, economy is good, low GDP, economy is in a recession

4 - $200 Define Federal Deficit. - When the federal government spends more money than it has - US gets money through Government Bonds and taxes

4 - $300 What was the Double V Campaign? Name an organization that was created to promote the cause of the Double V Campaign. - Victory at home and victory abroad – victory at home = African Americans gain equality, fight for civil rights. Victory Abroad = defeat the Nazis and Allies victorious in WWII. CORE, MOWM, NAACP

4 - $400 How were African Americans discriminated against during WWII? - At home – lower wages, faced discrimination in the workplace, faced segregation in the armed forces. In the war, most African Americans were cooks. Troops segregated, until some integration at the end of the war.

4 - $500 Name the 4 War offices established to control and manage the war effort. List a responsibility of each board. - WPB – War Production Board = convert industries from civilian to military production – switch from making clothes, cars, toys, to making uniforms, bombs, tanks, aircraft. - OCD – Office of Civilian Defense – created to raise the country’s morale. - National War Labor Board (NWLB) – job was to control wages and monitor inflation - OPA used rationing to keep prices down – distribute limited goods fairly

5 - $100 What is rationing? Name 3 reasons why the U.S. government rationed goods. - Limiting consumerism during the war, why? 1. Need resources for war 2. Control Inflation 3. Keep prices down

5 - $200 Explain why Korematsu, a Japanese-American, lost his case against the Supreme Court. - Supreme Court ruled with military – government could take whatever means necessary to protect the country while at war.

5 - $300 Why were African Americans and women able to make economic gains during WWII? - Both were able to get jobs – why? Men drafted in war, more factories built to produce for the war. Still received less pay, still faced discrimination - Lost jobs when men returned from war.

5 - $400 Explain how Hitler’s Nuremberg Laws resembled the Jim Crow Laws of the United States. Explain how Hitler’s Nuremberg Laws resembled the Jim Crow Laws of the United States. Both sets of laws were created to segregate against Jewish citizens in Germany and African Americans in the United States. Hitler created the basis of his laws after the Jim Crow laws in the US. Both sets of laws were created to segregate against Jewish citizens in Germany and African Americans in the United States. Hitler created the basis of his laws after the Jim Crow laws in the US.

5 - $500 Identify two lasting impacts on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a result of the United States dropping the Atomic Bombs. Identify two lasting impacts on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a result of the United States dropping the Atomic Bombs. Instant amount of deaths + deaths following from radiation sickness Instant amount of deaths + deaths following from radiation sickness People discriminating against Japanese from those two cities People discriminating against Japanese from those two cities Environmental impact Environmental impact Moral argument – US the only nation to ever use Atomic bomb on people Moral argument – US the only nation to ever use Atomic bomb on people

Final Jeopardy Explain what two countries will emerge after WWII as the “POWERHOUSES” of the world? What will this lead to? Explain what two countries will emerge after WWII as the “POWERHOUSES” of the world? What will this lead to? The United States and Russia The United States and Russia The Cold War The Cold War