Integrated Drug Treatment System lessons learned from implementation
Background IDTS is a joint venture between criminal justice (Min of Justice) and Health (DH) In recent years there has been growing evidence that integrated drug treatment, including methadone maintenance, is effective in reducing crime and preserving life (NICE, 2007)
Rule one Be sure of your timing
Rule two Make sure your partners support you
Rule three Be sure of why you are doing this
One half of all prison suicides happen in the first 28 days of custody 62% of those who died were problematic drug users (HMP Safer Custody Internal Report 2002) Timing of 172 suicides by period of time in custody (DH 2003)
Someone received into a prison is twice as likely to commit suicide in the first week of imprisonment if they are drug dependent
In the week following release, prisoners are 37 times more likely to die of overdose than other members of the public. Women are 69 times more likely to do so. Opiates were involved in 97% of drug related deaths that occurred in the first two weeks of release from prison. (Home Office 2005)
Left prison on methadone Left prison not on methadone Death rates of drug users leaving prison (Dolan et al 2005) Rate of survival months
Rule 4 Fight to keep control
Rule 5 Construct a local, regional and national structure
NDPDU CARATs Support Managers CSIP H&SCCJ Programme Director (Kieron Murphy) IDTS Regional Steering Groups (9) IDTS Regional Development Manager (CSIP/ NTA) IDTS Central Project Team CARAT Area Support Manager Area Drug Coordinator SHA/ PCT Representative Regional HSCCJ CSIP Lead ROM Representative DIP Regional Representative NTA Regional IDTS Lead Central Project Team Representative Prison Health Clinical Lead (The Regional IDTS Lead may be either) NTA IDTS Programme Manager (Fintan Hayes) Establishment IDTS Implementation Group (for each First Wave prison) … plus others as agreed locally
Rule 6 Make sure all policy components and funding are in place
Rule 7 Invest heavily in training
Rule 8 Enlist senior support
Rule 9 Support the people in the middle
Rule 10 Work with the people who want to make a difference
Rule 11 Make for the mainstream
Rule 12 Invest heavily in Big Research
Rule 13 Do not complicate the complicated
‘None of us is as good as all of us’……
Rule 14 ….. Chose a slogan that more than 5% of the audience can understand