Learning outcomes SGDs
Jaundice By the end of this discussion you should be able to; 1.Differentiate between Hepatocellular, Obstructive and hemolytic jaundice 2.Investigate a patient presenting with the above types of jaundice 3.Diagnose acute hepatitis B and it’s natural course in adults 4.Diagnose and investigate chronic hepatitis B 5.Clarify significance of various markers of Hepatitis B 6.Diagnose Autoimmune hepatitis 7.Identify common causes of jaundice in our population
1. Acute Hepatitis B 2. Chronic Hepatitis B 3. Obstructive Jaundice 4. Hemolytic jaundice 5. Gilbert’s Syndrome 6. Auto immune Hepatitis 7. Drug induced hepatitis 8. Hereditary Spherocytosis 9. Acute Liver Failure 10.Cholestatic jaundice of pregnancy 11.Sclerosing cholangitis Jaundice
Pain Abdomen At the end of this discussion you should be able to 1.Enlist common causes of pain in our patient 2.Differentiate between solid and hollow organ pain 3.Identify common causes with respect to age and sex 4.Enlist risk factors for common causes of pain in our population 5.Prescribe treatment for common diseases causing pain abdomen in our population 6.Make differential diagnosis of common causes of pain abdomen
Pain abdomen 1.Mesenteric Lymphadenitis 2.Perforating peptic ulcer 3.Peptic Ulcer 4.Acute Cholecysytitis 5.Ischemic colitis 6.Small bowel ischemia 7.Round worm infestation 8.Hook worm infestation 9.Amoebic Colitis 10.Acute appendicitis 11.Acute pancreatitis
Hepatitis C At the end of this discussion you should be able to Investigate a patient of hepatitis C Enlist clear indications / contraindications for treatment Identify factors with good / bad response to treatment Define various terms related to treatment response
Chronic Lose motions By the end of this discussion you should be able to 1.Diagnose major causes of chronic diarrhea including a)Ulcerative Colitis b)Chron's disease c)Tuberculosis of intestine d)IBS and e)Common causes of chronic loose motions 2.Investigate patients with chronic diarrhea 3.Enlist common drugs used in management of above 4.Interpret Radiological findings in inflammatory bowel disease and tuberculosis
Chronic Lose motions 1.Intestinal Tuberculosis 2.Chron's Disease 3.Ulcerative colitis 4.Celiac Disease 5.Irritable bowel syndrome 6.Amoebic Dysentery 7.Round worm infestation 8.Toxic dilatation of colon 9.Small gut Lymphoma 10.Peptic ulcer disease 11.Carcinoma Colon 12.Chronic Giardiasis