Unit 3 Russian Absolutism Nicole Miller Per. 5
Task Compare and Contrast the economic and social development of Russia with that of the Netherlands in the period Russian Flag, Dutch Flag
Thesis Even though Russia and the Netherlands had major contrasts socially with religious reforms and social status and state as well as economical differences with economy methods, they both had some similarities with restive nobility, struggling with financing for the military, and increasing government revenue during the time period of the
Compare: Restive Nobility Netherlands Regents in each province jealously guarded local independence and resisted efforts at centralization Hereditary Monarchy Russia Under Peter the Great: Forced nobility to enlist into the military; service nobility Interlocking-military bureaucracy
Compare: Struggling Finance for Military Netherlands Wars costly drained on Dutch labor and finance resources 1670s: War with France (Louis XIV) and England Russia Had a very large standing army Consisted of boyars, service nobility, and foot soldiers Great Northern War ( ) against Charles XII of Sweden
Compare: Increasing Government Revenues Netherlands “Golden Age of the Netherlands” Fishing Industry 1602: Dutch East Indian Company 1621: Dutch West Indian Company Russia Peter the Great used serfdom and the constructing of St. Petersburg Serfs were arbitrarily assigned to work in factories and mines Building St. Petersburg
Contrast: Religious Reform Netherlands Practiced religious toleration Welcomed all faiths within their borders Urban Dutch society allowed for religious freedom Attracted a great deal of foreign capital and investment Russia Secularized the Church and Reform by Nikon Monasteries votchiny Reform on the Russian Orthodox Church “Old Believers”
Contrast: Social Status and State Netherlands The Dutch were not monarchial but fiercely republican; weak confederation Nobility defined by commercial excellence Middle Class Russia Absolute monarchy and militarized state Service nobility based on merits No Middle Class Serfdom
Contrast: Economy Methods Netherlands Commercial and Mercantilism policies Merchant marine Dealt with bulk Trade and Commerce Russia Agriculture and Warfare based Modest Territorial Expansion St. Petersburg Traditional Agriculture
Conclusion In conclusion, both Russia and the Netherlands had few similarities like facing the nobility, trying to finance wars, and creating their economy. However, there were major differences in dealing with religious reforms, the social structure of the state, and how they developed their economy.