THE SOUTH EMBRACES SECESSION White Southerners’ fears Fort Sumter Lincoln secures border states while more states secede Northerners support Lincoln Source: Library of Congress
BOTH SIDES PREPARE FOR WAR Union advantages Confederate advantages Early Confederate victories Source: Library of Congress
FIGHTING FOR UNION OR AGAINST SLAVERY? Debating the Role of African Americans Union army rejects African American enlistment Opportunities for freedom increase in the South Butler’s policy of claiming runaway slaves as contraband Source:
FIGHTING FOR UNION OR AGAINST SLAVERY? Fighting for the Right to Fight Enlistments in the Union army American Indians fight on both sides The war turns against the North The North turns against slavery African Americans enlist in the Union army Source:
FIGHTING FOR UNION OR AGAINST SLAVERY? Union Politicians Consider Emancipation Political reasons for emancipation Battle along Antietam Creek Emancipation Proclamation
LIFE AND DEATH ON THE BATTLEFIELD Technology of warfare Privations of war Disease and exposure Primitive medical assistance Death and burials Source:
WAR TRANSFORMS THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH The Northern Economy Booms Production increases Expansion of the federal government A shortage of labor Urbanization and Industrialization in the South Migration to southern cities Industrialization increases Class consciousness in the South
WOMEN AID THE WAR EFFORT Women’s jobs and activities Uncoordinated efforts in the Confederacy Unusual roles Women’s National Loyal League Harriet Tubman, Source:
DISSENT AND PROTEST IN THE MIDST OF WAR Economic conflicts Enrollment Act and men’s and women’s reaction to it Missouri’s “inner civil war” and northern Copperheads Effects of Jefferson Davis’s conscription act Food shortages and class conflicts in the South
THE TIDE OF WAR TURNS Key Victories for the Union Battle of Gettysburg Battle of Vicksburg Sherman captures Atlanta African Americans Contribute to Victory Enlistments in the border states Racism in the Union army Union victories affect southern slavery
THE FINAL BATTLES AND THE PROMISE OF PEACE Total war Sherman’s “March to the Sea” Field Order Number 15 Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House Thirteenth Amendment