Fundraising: *Just Some Reminders*
ASB Representation O Students must be a part of the decision- making and approval process.
What is Public Money? Public money is designated as public money of the school district and this money: O may only be used for legitimate activities of the ASB. O Cannot be used under the general heading of gifts, including charitable donations, scholarships, etc. O Cannot be used for any personal or private use
O Private money is money that is advertised and raised to be given away for a specific purpose (heavenly hats, etc.) O Private money cannot be given in exchange for goods or services. O Charitable fundraising must recover direct costs; however profits may be shared and so stated. O Expenses of a charitable fundraiser must be paid from the profits. What is Private Money?
O Although it is illegal to give gifts or gift cards, prizes or awards may be given in recognition of achievement under certain conditions, none of which may be curricular or curricular related. All members of a group must have the same opportunity to earn the award or win the prize. O Gift cards or gift certificates cannot be purchased with ASB money. O Prizes or awards may be given if they are of nominal value (usually less than $25) and has no functional use. Gifts
Is it Gambling? O A raffle is…a game in which tickets bearing an individual number are sold (<$100!) in which a prize is awarded on the basis of a drawing…(RCW ) O Two raffles may be conducted per year without being licensed (proceeds must be less than <$5000)…Crescent is not currently licensed. (RCW ) O Individuals under 18 may sell tickets only if: 1. Three members over 18 must supervise the raffle 2. One member over 18 must manage the raffle. (WAC )
Approval Needed O All fundraising activities must be requested and approved through the ASB Student Council PRIOR to beginning a fundraiser. Fundraising packets are available in the office. O Request PRIOR approval to expend ASB funds before making a purchase. Don’t spend your own money without prior approval (you may not be reimbursed.)
What NOT To Do O Do not fundraise without prior approval. O Do not buy without pre-approval. O Do not sign contracts with vendors (only administrators can do this). O Do not use cash from a sale to buy or pay for anything. (State law!)
Also, DON’T O Give complementary tickets for athletic events or other ASB activities. O Use ASB money to send flowers, recognize staff, buy gift certificates or gifts. O Forget that a principal or advisor can overrule a student-authorized purchase. O Pay for services with cash
DO O Keep accurate records and ask questions frequently. O Get student approval for all purchases (grades 7-12). O Use the budget process to teach good accounting principles. O Keep an inventory of supplies and equipment (Starting, Purchases, Items Sold, Ending)
Staff Supervision Should: O Exhibit strong leadership – follow all district policies and comply with state laws O Schedule facilities in advance O Require minutes of all meetings O Provide student participation and authorization O Be visible and available for all activities, meetings, and projects O Make sure equipment and supplies are in good working order O Enlist help of parents but always with a staff member present
ASB or Booster? O It is ASB if it is money raised during the school day, on school property, using school personnel, or school materials is public money. O What turns a parent group fundraiser into an ASB activity? O Cash receipts are turned into the school or stored in school safe. O Students handle the cash receipting reconciliation process. O Inventory is purchased by ASB. O School holds and inventoried goods for resale. O Majority of work is performed by students. O Parent group uses school name (without adding “boosters”) O District facility use not following district policy O District personnel involved during staff time O Event workers wearing official school apparel implying a school event.
Step 1: Plan 1.Why is the group fundraising? 2.How will you raise necessary funds? Decide on a fundraising event. 3.Decide when the event will happen (please plan at least two weeks out). 4.Decide what is needed (supplies, equipment needed) 5.Decide who is needed (students and proper supervision)
Step 2: Initiate Authorization Team leader fills out Request for Fundraising
Step 3: Students and Advisors Must Sign Coach/Club Advisor Student Club Leader Student ASB Leader Staff: ASB Advisor, Bus. Mgr, ASB Secretary
Step 4: Conduct Event O Ensure proper supervision O Track all sales on paper! Use the paperwork provided. O For ticket sales, use tickets provided in numerical order. Document any lost or stolen tickets. O Write down all donations (who and how much) O Ensure proper money handling. Two people always handle sales. Two people count starting and ending cash. O Ensure paperwork is complete at the end of the event O Inventory items must be pre-counted. Left-over items at the event of the night must be accounted for. O Facilities must be left clean and orderly at the end of the event.
Cash Handling O Always request a change fund from the school bookkeeper for sales (change should not be made from receipts or personal funds.) O Under no circumstances should ASB money be taken home for safekeeping, neither by staff or students nor deposited into a private bank account. Money must be turned into the office daily. O All cash from sales, dues, etc. must be receipted and deposited intact (as received). O At the end of each day and/or end of the event, turn all money into the office. If office is closed, seal the money into a bank pouch (provided) and put into the mini-safe in the teacher’s lounge.
Step 5: After the Event O Make sure all receipts and/or packing slips are turned into ASB bookkeeper. O Reconcile paperwork with bookkeeper.
Communicate! O Talk with ASB Advisors & Administrators (Do you have permission and have the right people involved? Are policies being followed?) O Talk with Bookkeepers (Do you need a cash box? Are there supplies that must be purchased? Are policies being followed?) O Talk with Facilities people (Do you need to use a specific room or special equipment?) O Talk with Students. Keep them in the loop!