The Fall of Fort Sumter Crisis at Fort Sumter – Commander Robert Anderson sent the message to Lincoln that Confederate leaders were demanding surrender or would attack. – Low on supplies, Fort Sumter remained in Union hands. The fort was very symbolic to both sides. – Lincoln would not surrender the fort, but would send food and other nonmilitary supplies. – Jefferson Davis would decide whether to attack and go to war or allow the Union troops to remain. The attack on the fort – Davis ordered a surprise attack before the supplies could arrive. – On April 12, 1861, the Confederate artillery opened fire on the fort, and an outgunned Fort Sumter surrendered the next day.
The Rush to War Response in the North Lincoln calls for volunteers 90 days’ service to put down the rebellion Northerners rush to enlist Reaction in the South With call for volunteers, the eight remaining Union slave states now forced to choose a side Confederate states ready to call up men First Virginia, then Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina secede
The Border States Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, & Missouri Maryland critical — Washington, D.C., at risk surrounded by Confederate territory. Missouri important — strategic access to the lower Mississippi River. Divided loyalties but never enough Southern support to withdraw from the Union Kentucky necessary — the Ohio River border left the Union open to the threat of invasion. The state sided with the Union after Confederate troops invaded in September These divided loyalties meant citizens fought on both sides.
Goals and Strategies Union Goals Needed to be carefully defined War could not center around the dispute over slavery—border states pushed to secede Fight for patriotic reasons— to save the Union Confederate Goals South wanted to be left alone with slavery unchanged Prepared to defend themselves against invasion Felt northerners would soon tire of war and withdraw