2 What Does it Mean to STEP UP? Prosocial Behavior – Any act performed with the goal of benefiting another person Bystander Intervention Intervening in an emergency Helping in a non-emergency* Intervention can be direct or indirect
3 What Difference Can You Make? “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
4 I believe something should be done to intervene in problematic situations. A. Strongly Agree B.Agree C.Neutral D.Disagree E.Strongly Disagree 10
5 I believe it is my responsibility to intervene in a problematic situation. A.Strongly Agree B.Agree C.Neutral D.Disagree E.Strongly Disagree 10
6 I have witnessed a situation, at least once, where someone’s health and safety were in danger. You can choose any or all of these. 10 A.Drinking too much B.Hazing C.Being taken advantage of sexually D.Discrimination E.Never
7 I know of a problematic situation that could have been avoided if someone had intervened. A.Strongly Agree B.Agree C.Neutral D.Disagree E.Strongly Disagree 10
8 The Bystander Effect Phenomenon in which someone is less likely to intervene in an emergency situation when others are present than when he or she is alone.
10 Why Don’t People Help? Because helping others is not just about one decision. – Helping requires several sequential decisions to be made. Failure at any one of the steps will result in no help. – Multiple factors can prevent the right decision from being made.
11 The 5 Decision Making Steps 1.Notice the Event 2.Interpret the Event as a Problem/Emergency 3.Assume Personal Responsibility 4.Know How To Help 5.Implement the Help
12 Reasons Why People Don’t Help Step 1 : Notice the Event There are 2 reasons we may not notice that a problem exists or is about to occur: Other people/events create distractions. Sometimes we don’t want to notice!
13 Strategies for STEP 1 Notice the Event 1.Be aware of your surroundings. 2.Anticipate problems/Look for red flags. 3.If you do notice a problem, consider the best intervention strategies and/or the best exit strategies.
14 Conformity
15 Conformity: 2 Types Informational influence – When a situation is ambiguous we will use other people’s behavior as information for how to act. We thus conform to the group in order to be accurate.
16 BUT…
17 Looking to others does not always provide the right answer: Pluralistic Ignorance Phenomenon whereby bystanders assume that nothing is wrong because no one else looks concerned. When all bystanders assume that no one else is upset or concerned, then all assume it is not a problem, and NOBODY HELPS!
18 I have experienced pluralistic ignorance in a social setting. 1.Yes 2.No 10
19 Conformity: 2 Types Normative influence – We conform to the group’s rules in order to fit in, be accepted, be liked, or avoid dislike. But normative influence can create a “Spiral of Silence.”
20 There have been times when I have given in to group pressure and wish I hadn’t. A. True B. False 10
21 Strategies for STEP 2 Interpret as a problem/emergency: 1.Investigate an ambiguous event further - even if others appear unconcerned. 2.Ask others what they think. 3.Be mindful of peer pressure and be prepared to react to it. a.Have the confidence to TAKE A STAND. b.Choose to be respected rather than liked. 4.If you are a victim, let someone know you need help!
22 Strategies for STEP 3 Assume Personal Responsibility 1.Don’t assume someone else will do something. Take it upon yourself to STEP UP! 2.Publicly state your intention to help. You can decide later if intervention is unnecessary. 3.Enlist others to STEP UP!
23 Strategies for STEP 4 Have the Skills to Help 1.Learn skills/strategies to STEP UP, depending on the situation. 2.Practice the skills when possible - Be prepared.
24 Take his/her keys away, drive the person home Remove the person from situation Administer CPR Talk to person directly about the problem Talk to person directly about the problem Call Call Seek assistance from a professional Seek assistance from a professional Distract the people involved Enlist others Speak to a teacher, coach, trainer, counselor, administrator or other professional Speak to a teacher, coach, trainer, counselor, administrator or other professional Learn more Learn more EmergencyNon- Emergency Indirect Direct
25 Reasons Why People Don’t Help Step 5: Implement the Help: STEP UP! - Sometimes people STILL don’t help. Why? Costs/Rewards Perhaps it is dangerous or they perceive more costs than benefits for helping. *Remember, there are also costs for not helping.
26 Strategies for STEP 5 Implement the Help 1.If it is safe and you are willing to help, implement the most appropriate skills and strategies for the situation…and STEP UP! 2.Be the first! Sometimes the actions of one can give strength and permission to others. 3.Create shared and agreed upon standards of behavior and expectations within your team, organization, group of friends.
27 How accurate do you think you are at judging how others are feeling? 10 A.Call me Bull’s-eye B.Above average C.Average D.Below average E.I suck at it!
28 Perspective Taking: What do you see?
29 Perspective Taking The ability to identify with the feelings, thoughts, and beliefs of another person. In order to take the perspective of another person: – Imagine how the person thinks and feels. – Imagine being in the same situation. – Imagine that you are the other person.
30 Follow the Leader Part II: Milgram research
31 Reasons We Didn’t Intervene Assumed it wasn’t a problem – Interpreting Event as Problem/Pluralistic Ignorance It was none of my business – Assuming Personal Responsibility Assumed someone else would do something – Diffusion of Responsibility/Accept Personal Responsibility Believed others weren’t bothered – Pluralistic Ignorance Didn’t know when/how to intervene – Possess Skills to Help Felt my safety would be at risk – Costs/Rewards
32 Reasons We Did Intervene It was the right thing to do We should look out for each other I would want someone to help me in that situation Someone needed help So the situation wouldn’t escalate To preserve the reputation of my friends, organization, team, etc. INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP SHARED RESPONSIBILTY
33 Other areas in which you can STEP UP! – Academics – Stress – Disordered Eating/Body Image Issues – Depression – Substance Abuse – Gambling – Community Service – Illegal behaviors – Others?
34 How Can We Increase Helping? Encourage/acknowledge prosocial, helping behaviors. Increase and optimize Decision Making Steps. Reduce inhibiting factors (pluralistic ignorance, conformity, diffusion of responsibility, etc.). Increase awareness and identification of risk factors. Make “in-group” more inclusive. Practice perspective taking. Increase knowledge, skills and confidence.
35 I believe something should be done to intervene in problematic situations. A. Strongly Agree B.Agree C.Neutral D.Disagree E.Strongly Disagree 10
36 I believe it is my responsibility to intervene in a problematic situation. A.Strongly Agree B.Agree C.Neutral D.Disagree E.Strongly Disagree 10
37 “Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.” Winston Churchill STEP UP!