Tier 1/Universal Training The Wisconsin RtI Center/Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this product and for the continued support of this federally- funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the Wisconsin DPI and support of federal funds when copying all or part of this material. B. Faculty Commitment
Module B: Faculty/Staff Commitment PBIS Implementation Goal 4.Faculty are aware of behavior problems across campus (regular data sharing) Data regarding school-wide behavior is shared with faculty monthly 5. Faculty involved in establishing and reviewing goals Most faculty participate in establishing PBIS goals on at least an annual basis 6. Faculty feedback obtained throughout year Faculty given opportunities to provide feedback, to offer suggestions, and to make choices in every step of the PBIS process (via staff surveys, voting process, suggestion box, etc.) Nothing is implemented without the majority of faculty approval Workbook Examples and Tools
Faculty Are Familiar With the Behavior Problems Communication is essential in this process. All staff and stakeholders understand why the efforts are being undertaken and what will be different as a result. Open communication will allow faculty to feel as though they are part of the change process. Faculty will begin to understand what is happening across campus. Frequent communication opens dialogue for problem-solving across campus.
How to Use the Data to Get Faculty Buy-In Share graphs with faculty on a regular basis, including SELF-ASSESSMENT SURVEY (pbisapps.org).pbisapps.org Graphs are a powerful tool let staff know the extra work they are doing is paying off and, show specific areas that may need a more intense focus. Emphasize the “team” process.
Average Referrals Per Day, Per Month
Multi-Year Office Referrals Per Day, Per Month
Conduct Staff Surveys Staff surveys are an efficient way to: obtain staff feedback, create involvement without holding more meetings, generate new ideas, and build a sense of faculty ownership. What staff surveys do you use?
Sample Staff Survey Item Check the OUTCOMES below that you would like to achieve at your school… Increase in attendance Improvement in academic performance Increase in the number of appropriate student behaviors Students and teachers report a more positive and calm environment Reduction in the number of behavioral disruptions, referrals, and incident reports
Supporting Systemic Change Those involved in the school must share: a common dissatisfaction with the processes and outcomes of the current system, and a vision of what they would like to see replace it. Problems occur when the system lacks the knowledge of how to initiate change or when there is disagreement about how change should take place.
Solutions to Common Challenges Develop a common understanding. Enlist leaders with integrity, authority, resources, and willingness to assist. Expect, respect, and respond to resistance. Clarify how changes align with other initiatives. Emphasize clear and imminent consequences for not changing. Emphasize benefits: Conservation of time/effort Alignment of processes/goals Greater professional accountability Stay in touch with peer leaders during the change process.
Remember PBIS involves all of us: We decide what our focus will be. We decide how we will monitor. We decide what our goals are. We decide what we’ll do to get there. We evaluate our progress. We decide whether to keep going or change.
Activity B.2 Complete Action Plan Module B: Faculty Commitment Statements 4-6 Faculty/Staff Support 15 minutes
Module B Faculty/Staff Commitment 4.Faculty are aware of behavior problems across campus (regular data sharing) Data regarding school-wide behavior is shared with faculty monthly 5.Faculty involved in establishing and reviewing goals Most faculty participate in establishing PBIS goals on at least an annual basis 6.Faculty feedback obtained throughout year Faculty given opportunities to provide feedback, to offer suggestions, and to make choices in every step of the PBIS process (via staff surveys, voting process, suggestion box, etc.) Nothing is implemented without the majority of faculty approval