Report to NuPECC on the recent activities of the EPS Nuclear Physics Division Douglas MacGregor Meetings Membership Conferences Prizes Outreach/PANS.


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Presentation transcript:

Report to NuPECC on the recent activities of the EPS Nuclear Physics Division Douglas MacGregor Meetings Membership Conferences Prizes Outreach/PANS

Meetings 65 th Division meeting was held in Debrecen on 19 th and 20 th April. Presentations on Nuclear Physics in Hungary – N Kroo, President of Hungarian Physical Soicety. – Nuclear Physics in Hungary (Gy. Wolf) – Nuclear Experiments in MTA Atomki (A. Krasznahorkay) – Nuclear Theory in MTA Atomki (G. Levai) – Nuclear Applications in MTA Atomki (F. Ditroi – Visit to MTA Atomki Labs (D. Sohler) Future meetings: – Sofia 4-5 October 2013, – Uppsala Spring 2014, – Orsay Autumn 2014

Membership Chair: Victor Zamfir, Chair Elect: Douglas MacGregor, Secretary: Denis Bonatsos, Observer from NuPECC: Gyuri Wolf Retiring from Board: Zsolt Fulop, (past chair, member of EPS Executive Committee), Jan Kvasil and Jose Udias Moinelo New elected members (Jan 2013): Faical Azaiez (NuPECC), Karlheinz Langanke. New co-opted members (July 2013): Dora Sohler and Lola Cortina Representation on EPS Energy Group: Lazslo Csernai Representatives on Editorial Board of Nuclear Physics News International: Douglas MacGregor and Klaus Peters Observer at NuPECC meetings (2013): Douglas MacGregor Representatives on PANS committee: Dimiter Balabanski, Johan Nyberg

Division Conferences – Following the success of the 2 nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, Held in Bucharest in September 2012, the Division will organise the 3 rd conference in this series in September Two venues are currently bidding to hold the conference and a decision will be made by an vote in the next month. Emphasis will be given in maximizing the participation of students and postdocs. The conference coincides with the designation of 2015 as the year of light and will be subtitled: “3rd European Nuclear Physics Conference – celebrating the year of light”. The Ph.D. Prize for the best Ph.D. thesis in Europe in will be awarded at that time. – Our successful series of Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics conferences continues. Last month the 6 th conference in this series was held in Lisbon and it has already been decided that the 7 th conference will be held in York in May – A new facility-based nuclear physics conference on the Science and Technology for FAIR will be held in Autumn Klaus Peters will lead the local organisation of this conference.

Other Conferences and Workshops – The Division supports and endorses a number of other conferences related to nuclear physics. – The 3 rd European Energy Conference will take place in Budapest on October Following a recent invitation, the Nuclear Physics Division will be represented in the Energy Group Board, by Laszlo Csernai. – ENNAS (a collaboration of three Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics student workshops) have combined their efforts to provide a more consistent and uniform programme of events. The Division provides its endorsement to these workshops for the next two years.

Prizes The Division organises three prestigious prizes: – Preparations are currently being made to advertise the 2014 Lise Meitner Prize for outstanding contributions to Nuclear Science. – The 2013 IBA Prize for Applied Nuclear Science and Nuclear Methods in Medicine was presented yesterday, during INPC 2013 to Prof Marco Durante for his leadership in radiation biophysics. The prize will be awarded again in – Our first European Nuclear Physics Dissertation Prize was very successful with many very high quality applicants. Entries are already open for the next prize covering the years 2012 to The award will be made at the 3 rd European Nuclear Physics Conference in September 2015.

Outreach EPS Directory of Historic Physics Locations. 4 locations to be added each year with a major ceremony attended by the EPS president. Division will actively promote nuclear physics locations and liaise with national societies to identify the most important locations and present them to the EPS. Board discussed a new logo to promote its activities. This will be based on the EPS logo with a side wing “Nuclear Physics Division”. This will be used for future conferences, diplomas and work promoted by the Division.

PANS D. Balabanski and J. Nyberg are the Division representatives on PANS (joint committee with NuPECC). Public promotion of nuclear science is one of the Division’s main aims, whereas NuPECC has a wider variety of objectives and PANS has not been given much priority in recent years. The Division’s view is that PANS should organise some new events/activities to promote nuclear physics to a public audience. Gy. Wolf suggested organising a skype meeting to discuss new initiatives. He said that if PANS concentrated on a few activities this would be easier for NuPECC to support. The Division agreed that this should be followed up. One preliminary theme suggested was to capitalise on This has been designated as the International Year of Light and the EPS will ask for European money to celebrate this. The connection between Nuclear Physics and Light is a project should be followed up. However, this required serious effort – either money to employ someone to do this or to enlist the efforts of a recently retired professor. If such a person could be found Faical Azaiez would ask NuPECC to provide travel support. Victor Zamfir agreed that ELI would find someone to do the work, as ELI was the obvious topic to connect nuclear physics and light. Other topics which are relevant to the year of light are photon induced reactions (e.g. MAMI) and light produced in nuclear reactions (e.g. g correlations). These suggestions now need to be explored in more detail by the PANS board members.

Topical Paper on the connection between Applied Physics and Cultural Heritage The Division agreed there was a need for a non-technical paper which presented the current state of the use of applied physics in the characterization and preservation of cultural heritage to a general scientific audience.Such a topical paper should emphasise the interconnection between physics and cultural heritage and should not just be confined to nuclear physics techniques. The production of this paper will be lead by Anna Mackova and Eli Piasetsky. The Division will invite external experts to be co-authors of the paper and will seek input from other EPS divisions and groups. Once the paper is produced it could be promoted by organising a new Divisional conference on intersections between physics and archaeology. It was reported that the IAEA had previously proposed a broad collaboration with UNESCO and the EPS on the contribution of nuclear physics to studies of cultural heritage. However, due to a lack of funds this initiative had not been taken forward. The IAEA remains interested in a more limited 2-year programme on cultural heritage organised through its Technical Cooperation Division. They are arranging a workshop on 9-11 October 2013 in Sumi in the Ukraine with 2 representatives (1 nuclear physicist and 1 archaeologist) from each participating country. The Division is considering joining this initiative.