Step 1: Open your browser and type http://www. benilde. edu. ph/sis Step 1: Open your browser and type (Required browser: Mozilla Firefox)
Step 2: A log-in page will appear Step 2: A log-in page will appear. Use your CSBInfonet account to log-on.
Step 3: After a successful login, Click Enlistment from the menu (right side of the screen).
Step 4: A screen will appear for you to select the courses that you want to enlist. Desired Courses – Initially this is empty since you have not selected any course yet. (2) Courses Offered – This will list all the courses offered by your designated School.
Step 4.1: How to enlist a course From the Courses Offered box, select a course that you want to enlist then click the << button. The selected course will be transferred to the Desired Courses box.
Step 4.2: How to remove an enlisted course You can remove the enlisted course by selecting the course that you want to remove from the Desired Courses box then click the >> button. The selected course will be transferred back to the Courses Offered box.
Step 5: Click the SAVE button Step 5: Click the SAVE button. Please take note of your Enlistment Number that will be displayed on your screen after saving. Important: - Do not forget to click SAVE or else everything will be disregarded. - Once you already have the enlistment number, you cannot empty the Desired Courses box anymore.
- The message as encircled below will appear once you try to remove all the enlisted courses in the Desired Courses Box after saving it and getting the Enlistment Number.
Note that the selected course on the Courses Offered Box will not be added to the Desired Courses Box once you have reached/ exceeded the Maximum Allowable Units. Academic Units – This is the maximum allowable number of Academic units you may enlist Non Academic Units – This is the maximum allowable number of Non Academic units you may enlist Maximum Allowable Units – This is the total maximum allowable number of (Academic + Non Academic) units you may enlist
Step 6: When you are finished, click Log-Out (upper right of the screen) for security purposes.