Teacher Practices for Student Success Cathy Cavanaugh University of Florida College of Education
GOLEs: Guidelines for Online Learning Effectiveness ROLI-POLIs: Recommendations/Principles for Online Learning Improvement
GOLE Online courses increase equitable access to high quality teaching and content, and give students time and support to learn it, when time is variable. ROLI- POLI Flexible pathways through educational programs increase education opportunity. Study models that vary time, support, physical and virtual experiences to support different learners in different content. Cognitive Research Studies of contextualized learning. Research Reference Cavanaugh, C. (2009). Distance education in support of extended learning time in K-12 schools. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress.
GOLE Learning time may be the most influential factor in the success of learners in online and blended environments ROLI- POLI Increase learning time in courses via engaging interactions. Study the contributions of expanded learning sessions, days and years. Cognitive Research Studies of the summer learning gap and school closings, and studies of expertise and self-regulation. Research Reference Liu, F. & Cavanaugh, C. (submitted). High Enrollment Course Success Factors influencing student academic achievement in virtual school.
GOLE Teachers who learn tool-based, student-centered methods increase academically engaged time achievement. ROLI-POLI Technology and communication tools add to the methods instructors and learners can use in learning. Cognitive Science Link Studies of desirable difficulties and dual-coding. Research Reference Dawson, K., Cavanaugh, C. & Ritzhaupt, A. (2008). Florida’s Leveraging Laptops initiative and its impact on teaching practices. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 41(2),
GOLE Much of online student success results from teachers with individual and group facilitation skills and frequent meaningful feedback. ROLI-POLI Develop communication skills in several media and with varying groups and purposes. Study facilitation strategies and degrees of facilitation that support learning in different models. Cognitive Science Link Studies of formative assessment, testing and feedback effects, spaced effects, and cognitive flexibility. Research Reference Cavanaugh, C., Barbour, M., Brown, R., Diamond, D., Lowes, S., Powell, A., Rose, R., Scheick, A., Scribner, D. & Van der Molen, J. (2009). Examining Communication and Interaction in Online Teaching. Vienna, VA: IiNACOL.
GOLE Interactive online tools used for practice improve learning. ROLI-POLI Integrate tool-based technology for practice over time. Study the scaffolding needed for effective practice, as well as the social contexts. Cognitive Science Link Studies of expertise development and distributed practice. Research Reference Cavanaugh, C., Gillan, K., Bosnick, J., Hess, M. (2008). Effectiveness of Online Algebra Learning: Implications for Teacher Preparation. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 38(1)
GOLE Students who used tool-based technology produced media projects that demonstrated increases in authentic learning: higher order thinking and depth of knowledge. ROLI-POLI Implement project-based methods. Study the affordances of project-based media-production for various content learning. Cognitive Science Link Studies of generative learning and anchored instruction. Research Reference Dawson, Cavanaugh et al., Laptops for Learning: Florida Digital Educator Program. ( ) for FL Department of Education.
GOLE Instructor experience and formal prep/development significantly influence adoption of new practices ROLI-POLI Provide systems of professional development, support and scaffolding to educators in effective practices Cognitive Science Link Studies of online and classroom PD Research Reference Ritzhaupt, A. Dawson, K. & Cavanaugh, C. (submitted) Factors influencing student use of technology in a K-12 setting.
GOLE Online instructors assume multiple roles that vary from classroom roles, including teacher, designer, mentor, counselor, and technical support. ROLI-POLI Support online students to focus instructors toward teaching and learning. Focus professional development for online instructors on unique features of online teaching and learning. Cognitive Science Link Diffraction of attention to complex tasks, development of expertise as automaticity with subtle features of a domain. Research Reference Ferdig, R.E., Cavanaugh, C., DiPietro, M., Black, E.W, & Dawson, K. (in press). Virtual schooling standards and best practices for teacher education. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 17(4).
GOLE Instructor mentoring programs for the specific online model assist in quick development of effective pedagogy. Mentors act as navigator, often through narrative. ROLI-POLI Teacher ed and PD programs should align with the teaching context. Study models of teacher ed and mentoring for online and blended environments. Cognitive Science Link Studies of narrative and case-based learning. Research Reference Wortmann, K., Cavanaugh, C., Kennedy, K., Beldarrain, Y., Letourneau, T. & Zygouris-Coe, V. (2008). Online Teacher Support Programs: Mentoring and Coaching Models. Vienna, VA: iNACOL.
Physical and virtual learning environments need expert builders Free educators from building the online classrooms and furniture Enlist specialty builders: media developers, instructional designers, programmer s
New research directions at UF in online education: Virtual school internships Student success factors Online 21 st century andragogy program for clinical medical/health educators Relationships among university culture, innovation and adoption of e-learning