Refuges in Australia
What is a refugee? A refugee is someone who is outside their country and cannot go back there due to a fear of something such as, war or religion. _05/refugee.html
History Boat people other wise known as refugees, illegal immigrants or asylum seekers emigrate to Australia in boats. The term was first used in the 1970s, when the first lot of asylum seekers came to Australia after the Vietnam war.
What is the difference between an asylum seeker and a refugee? There is a big difference between an asylum seeker and refugees, and often they are mixed up. An asylum seeker is someone who is seeking over seas protection, but their claim for refugee has not been decided. A refugee is someone who has been recognised, and will most probable be allowed to live in that county, pdf
Do most asylum seekers arrive by boat? Most of asylum seekers applying for protection in Australia have arrived by air planes with a valid visas, and then applied for asylum later, while staying in Australia. boat arrivals only make up a small amount of asylum seekers. It’s most likely that between 96 and 99 percent of asylum seekers arrive by planes. Asylum seekers have stared coming in boats more recently, but boat arrivals still comprise less than half of Australia’s asylum seekers.
Do boat arrivals ‘bring disease’ and are they a threat to security? All illegal boat arrivals are moved to Christmas Island, while their reasons for trying to enter Australia are figured out. Security and health checks are also made.
Main refugee arrival countries
Bibliography references