Welfare Committee: Ward Council The “Ward Council” makes sure that the following things are done:” “The efforts of the priesthood quorums and Relief Society are coordinated to meet the specific needs of ward members.”“The efforts of the priesthood quorums and Relief Society are coordinated to meet the specific needs of ward members.” “Ward leaders and members seek out the poor and needy and help them to provide for themselves.”“Ward leaders and members seek out the poor and needy and help them to provide for themselves.” “Members are taught to provide for themselves and their families.”“Members are taught to provide for themselves and their families.” Providing in the Lord’s Way, p16 Providing in the Lord’s Way, p16 With respect to employment needs, the members of the committee combine to provide comprehensive support as presented in the following diagram. With respect to employment needs, the members of the committee combine to provide comprehensive support as presented in the following diagram.
Welfare Committee Members of the committee collectivelyform a Circle of Caring Members of the committee collectively form a Circle of Caring Quorum Leader Quorum Committee Bishop Job Coach Home Teacher Ward Welfare Committee Specialist
Welfare Committee To support employment needs, the members of the committee interact as a team to provide support as detailed in the following diagram. The committee’s various roles listed at the left side of the diagram are further detailed with links addressing : Handbook excerptsHandbook excerpts Doctrinal referencesDoctrinal references Specific scripturesSpecific scriptures Implementation considerationsImplementation considerations
Job Seeker Quorum Leader or Auxiliary President Quorum Leader or Auxiliary President Quorum or Auxiliary Quorum or Auxiliary Committee Bishop Employment Specialist JobCoach Employment Process Recommend a Job Coach Help find applicable job openings Review Job Seeker & Coach progress Send weekly job search to quorum members Welfare Committee Welfare Committee Report progress to Quorum Committee Receive training from Ward Employment Specialist Review weekly goals with the job seeker Hold Job Seeker accountable for goals Contact Quorum Leader or Auxiliary President Enter and complete profile to 90% on ldsjobs.org Find and apply for job openings Report progress to Job Coach Learn and master job search skills, to include networking, interviewing and resumes Develop and implement a self reliance and job search plan Interview for and accept job! Begin Conduct Welfare Committee Meeting Make assignments to committee members and employment specialist Initiate / Evaluate Committee assistance given to Job seeker As required, authorize Job Seeker to visit Regional Employment Center for additional support of the “ward plan” Ensure Job Seeker is registered on ldsjobs.org Help Job Seeker build profile to 90% on ldsjobs.org Teach Job Seeker to find & apply for job openings Report to and take direction from quorum & auxiliary leaders Provide Technical Skills training to the Job Seeker (Resumes and Interviewing) Support quorum and auxiliary plan for support of Job Seeker Help find job openings for the Job Seeker Convene Quorum or Auxiliary Committee Meet privately at Job Seeker’s home Ascertain job education, qualification, aspiration Discuss needs in Welfare Committee Meeting Call a Job Coach Help find job openings for Job seeker Help job seeker create a job search plan Report needs to Quorum Leader Help find applicable job openings Provide spiritual encouragement End Home Teacher Home Teacher Manage Access to ldsjobs.org Role
Leadership Responsibilities and Circle of CaringLeadership ResponsibilitiesCircle of Caring Job Seeker Quorum Leader or Auxiliary President Quorum Leader or Auxiliary President Quorum or Auxiliary Quorum or Auxiliary Committee Bishop Employment Specialist JobCoach Employment Process Recommend a Job Coach Help find applicable job openings Review Job Seeker & Coach progress Send weekly job search to quorum members Welfare Committee Welfare Committee Report progress to Quorum Committee Receive training from Ward Employment Specialist Review weekly goals with the job seeker Hold Job Seeker accountable for goals Contact Quorum Leader or Auxiliary President Enter and complete profile to 90% on ldsjobs.org Find and apply for job openings Report progress to Job Coach Learn and master job search skills, to include networking, interviewing and resumes Develop and implement a self reliance and job search plan Interview for and accept job! Begin Conduct Welfare Committee Meeting Make assignments to committee members and employment specialist Initiate / Evaluate Committee assistance given to Job seeker As required, authorize Job Seeker to visit Regional Employment Center for additional support of the “ward plan” Ensure Job Seeker is registered on ldsjobs.org Help Job Seeker build profile to 90% on ldsjobs.org Teach Job Seeker to find & apply for job openings Report to and take direction from quorum & auxiliary leaders Provide Technical Skills training to the Job Seeker (Resumes and Interviewing) Support quorum and auxiliary plan for support of Job Seeker Help find job openings for the Job Seeker Convene Quorum or Auxiliary Committee Meet privately at Job Seeker’s home Ascertain job education, qualification, aspiration Discuss needs in Welfare Committee Meeting Call a Job Coach Help find job openings for Job seeker Help job seeker create a job search plan Report needs to Quorum Leader Help find applicable job openings Provide spiritual encouragement End Home Teacher Home Teacher Manage Access to ldsjobs.org
Ward Council: Specific Responsibilities Click here here End of sub-topic presentation Click twice to return to prior presentation