Registered charity no // registered company no Ashwood Centre, 44a Headingley Lane, Leeds LS6 2EB (Destitution) (Refugee)
Two Projects Refugee Project – for those just granted leave to remain. John Destitution Project – for those refused but who cannot safely return to their country of origin. Anne
Abigail Housing Registered charity no // registered company no Ashwood Centre, 44a Headingley Lane, Leeds LS6 2EB (Destitution) (Refugee) Abigail Housing Refugee Project NASS leavers / 28 days notice No specialist state provision 50 beds in 14 properties Concentration close to city centre 21 hostel beds – LHA exempt rent 29 LHA rent – 10% fee
Hostels Designed for new refugees – esp re utilities. Referrals. £127 / week - £59 to landlord. Rent covers some central admin and staffing costs. Utility costs – half from Housing Ben / half from Service Charge. 9 months stay. Homeless assessments. Working residents...?!
Lettings Designed for move on or established refugees. Unlimited stay. Like a not for profit lettings agent. We find residents, manage turn over, provide basic support, receive direct payments. Residents take full responsibility for bills – balance between staying warm and avoiding fuel debt. Top up meters in shared houses. Working residents.
Support Package Housing – furnished, bedding, kitchen equipment. New area – shops, library, public transport, health care. Benefits – Housing Ben, JSA / ESA. UKBA – loans, travel document. Move on – choiced based lettings / bidding, Housing Associations. Correspondence. English. Family reunions.
LHA exempt rents Part of the traditional funding package for supported housing. Generally used alongside Supporting People money. LAs negotiating rent down - subsidy arrangements is the last year ?!
Shared Accommodation Rate Local Housing Allowance - ceiling for private sector Housing Benefit levels. From 01/01/12: –Shared accommodation £61.50 –one Bedroom accommodation £ –two Bedroom accommodation £ –three Bedroom accommodation £ –four Bedroom accommodation £ Now - people under 35 can only claim up to the SAR / £61.50, i.e. Housing Benefit will not pay enough for you to live in self contained accommodation, e.g. £ Effects – force more people into shared accommodation, unless landlords agree to reduce the rent...
Shared Accommodation Rate Why the age change? –Reduce Housing Benefit bill. –Encourage people into work. But... Are there enough shared houses? –Do people want to share? –Is it appropriate for people to share? –E.g people who have been homeless, people with problems relating to substance misuse or poor mental health, parents separated but still with access to their children, refugees. –Are there any jobs? What can you do? –Contact your MP. –More info: