Marketing to Job Seekers Presented by Nancy Dowd NJ State Library Director of Marketing Natasha Peter BTOP Project Coordinator
It’s time.
Statewide Services for Job Seekers Tools and Training to Apply for Jobs. Job and Career Accelerator Gale Career Transitions + Workshop 800 Free Workshops by Community Colleges
Local Services for Job Seekers Assessment List services offered by your library:
1. Training 2. Marketing 3. Partnerships 4. Sustainability Four Goals for Success:
Training for Librarians Job and Career Accelerator: Guided Tour Cover Letters for Recent College Graduates Keywords, Resumes and Job Applications Gale Career Transitions Workshop Professional Development Workshops How to Market to Job Seekers (today’s webinar) Project Compass Workshops Contact Natasha Peters:
Training for the Public 800 Classes For the Public: The tricks of the trade of online job searching How to build an effective resume How to fill out an online application How to set up an account Conducted by Community Colleges Presented at your library Provides learning materials Will bring their own laptops Contact Natasha Peter: Combine with your library’s training!
Strategy: Train Staff Have a workshop for staff on the services your library offers (One Minute Trainings) Create a short video that welcomes job seekers to your library and tells them about the basic services available. Post it on YouTube and run it on one of your computers or link from your web site. Provide training and guidance for your staff so that they know how to respond to job seekers in a positive and productive manner. (Cheat sheets) Train your front-line staff to know about local social service agencies, their hours and what they do. ( Create Bookmarks) Find more ideas at Webjunction!
Marketing Strategies
Target Audience: Job Seekers
Which Job Seekers? Unemployed/Under employed Limited knowledge of computers or online searching Experiencing financial hardships Facing tight job market MIght be losing unemployment benefits Might not have medical benefits Might depend on public transportation Might have children in school Probably has basic cable and cell phone (maybe with Internet access) Other?
library Branding
The Campaign It’s Time. Promotional Materials It’s Time Posters, postcards, bookmarks -personalize Banner for building Skins for vehicles Flyer template PR template Postcard sticker template Jpeg’s of all postcards online Include links from your website Personalize materials- stamp and quick drying ink Job and Career Accelerator Table tent cards & business cards Order:
It’s Time. To start that business. Your library can help! library
We can reach 445,000 job seekers!
Statewide Advertising Billboards Online Ads Banners on Library Vehicles Banners on Public Buildings NJ Transit Bus Ads - 5/2/11 Toll Booth Signs
Local Strategy: Guerilla Marketing Posters Rack Cards Outreach Relationships Flyers Imagination
Reach Out to: Unemployment Offices Food Banks GED Testing Centers Retail Outlets Shelters Laundromats Motor Vehicle Offices Local Courts Grocery Stores Your Library Popular Employment Street Corners
Local Media News Releases Photo Op: Invite Elected Officials! Letters to the Editor PR Templates
Partnerships Sustainability
Strategy: Cross Promote New Jersey Department of Labor One-Stop Business Centers Local Chamber of Commerce Organizations Workforce Investment Boards New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles S.C.O.R.E. NJ Small Business Association Local Adult and Continuing Education Schools Community Colleges
Strategy: Partner for Solutions Have a breakfast for the Chamber of Commerce or local politicians. Explain what you’re trying to do for job-seekers. Solicit their ideas and help. Take 15 minutes at a council, library board or community organization meetings meeting to talk about what you’re trying to do, solicit ideas, and perhaps even get a volunteer or two. Conduct a Job Fair at the library. Ask local employment and workforce organizations to have tables and information for job seekers and provide tours of your collection and resources related to job seeking. Partner with another organization to offer GED study help and testing in the library. Allow temporary employment agencies to come to the library and recruit once a month. Offer library meeting rooms to be used by local workforce agencies for workshops and help promote the event to your job seekers.
Strategy: Be the Beacon of Hope Find more ideas at Webjunction! Set up book displays for job seekers Create a “Genius Bar” for job seekers with private consultations Partner with small business associations to host networking meetings or create a display of networking opportunities, job fairs and programs in the library and online Host tech talks on how to job search with social media Market certain children’s programs as time to “Search while your children play” Consider putting some “adult” computers in the children’s area so parents can work and keep an eye on their kids at the same time. Host inspirational programs on how to thrive through tough times Collect success stories- share them with everyone, include in print materials, create videos and post online
Strategy: Stretch Their Dollars Find more ideas at Webjunction! Designate a day as “Free Fax Day” or make everyday free! Give away coupon for “One Free Photocopying” to anyone who take training classes Give away one printed resume on high quality paper to anyone taking training Open a section of the library an hour early for job seekers Offer to mentor a job seeker’s application process reviewing cover letters, proofing resumes, suggesting online resources for interview techniques, etc. Provide a flash drive for those regularly using the library computers to seek employment. Create bookmarks with information about needed resources to help with bill paying, utility rate reduction, food pantries and other social services.
Contact: Natasha Peter Nancy Dowd Got Questions?