MV-46xx Smart Weapons *Systems Inventory and Overview *Sensors, Seekers, and Processing *Cruise Missile Data requirements *FOG-M, E-FOGM Case Study
Smart Weapons Functions Search Detect Classify Select Track Engage Guidance Aim point Selection Timing of Firing
Army Smart Weapons Systems SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE OVERVIEW 4. WAMXM 93First Smart hand emplaced top attack munition 1. TOWBGM-71Long Range anti-armor Command LOS System 2. MPIM/SRAWFire and Forget Bunker Buster Light Armor Killer 3. JavelinLatest Technology, medium range fire-and forget anti armor 5. StingerFIM 92Smart Air Defence F&F to 3+ miles
Air Force Smart Weapons Systems SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE OVERVIEW 4. SidewinderAIM-9MAir-to-Air heat seeker 1. AMRAAM AIM-120Medium Range Air-to-Air Active Radar, Launch and leave 2. Maverick AGM-65IR/TV LOBL Close Air Support Light Armor Killer 3. Have NapAGM-142Air-to-ground High Value targets stand-off range uses data link 5. PavewayGBU-15Guided Bomb Passive laser Designator
Navy Smart Weapons Systems SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE OVERVIEW 4. ERGMXM-1715”gun launched GPS/INS guided missile 1. Penguin AGM-119BHelicopter Launched short range IR guided anti-ship 2. JSOW AGM-154GPS/INS unpowered glide weapon against ground targets 3. HarpoonAGM-84Long range, sea skim, Radar/INS anti-ship missile 5. Tomahawk BGM-109Sub-sonic all-weather cruise missile
Sensors, Seekers, and Processing Sensors/Seekers CCD,TV,IR,MMW, LADAR Acoustic, Mutispectral Processing INS,GPS,radar altimeter, SAR,SAL,TERCOM,DSMAC Man-in-the-loop
Cruise Missile Example Tomahawk System Description Navigation and Targeting Terrain Contour Matching Digital Scene Matching Correlation Global Positioning System
Act- uators Avionics Auto-pilot Navigation Processor Guidance Processor Signal Processor EM detector Mapping/GIS VR/Simulation Scientific Visualization Smart Weapons Physical SMART WEAPONS PROCESSING SEQUENCE
detector optics propagation location classification recognition SIGNAL PROCESSING FUNCTIONS
Engagement routing thrust Control Surface COMMAND PROCESSING FUNCTIONS