Presented by: Marissa E. Marsala Knock ‘Em Dead LinkedIn Strategies for Today’s Job Seekers In partnership with: The Boardroom
Linked In Strategies & Best Practices for Today’s Job Seekers OPTIMIZING & MAKING YOURSELF ACCESSIBLE © 2013
Optimizing Your Profile: Format, Keyword Density & More
Optimizing Your Profile: New Content Categories
How Accessible are YOU to Recruiters/Hiring Managers?
Getting & Managing Recommendations
Following Companies
Advanced Search (Jobs) Some features require Premium Acct.
Advanced Search: Jobs Keyword: “Animal”
Linked In Strategies & Best Practices for Today’s Job Seekers BUILDING YOUR NETWORK © 2013
Invitations Types: Connect & InMail
Invitations Types: Connect
Invitations Types: Connect Via Group
Invitations Types: InMail
Linked In Strategies & Best Practices for Today’s Job Seekers GETTING VISIBILITY © 2013
Posting Discussions (“Discussions,” “Promotions” and “Jobs”)
Endorsements (Skills & Expertise)
Optimizing Keywords: How do you know if you have the right keywords? Are LinkedIn’s suggestions for the following on target for your desired job/profession? Groups? Jobs? (You can “Opt-In” to a customized job feed agent with LinkedIn Premium) Companies? If not, you may need to adjust your keywords to match your TARGET position.
Optimizing Keywords (Skills & Expertise)
Linked In Strategies & Best Practices for Today’s Job Seekers SETTINGS © 2013
All Settings Now on One Page
LinkedIn “Badges” (Job Seeker Suitcase & Open Networker Icons)
Profile Settings
GOING STEALTH: Step 1 Hiding Your Activity/Network Updates
GOING STEALTH: Step 2 Hiding Your Activity/Network Updates
GOING STEALTH: Step 3 Making Yourself Anonymous
Communications (Message Contact Settings)
Account Settings
Linked In Strategies & Best Practices for Today’s Job Seekers GROUPS © 2013
Searching for/Finding Groups
Sending Messages to Group Members
Linking with L.I.O.N.s/LIONs (Groups)
Group Settings (Under Privacy & Settings)
Group Settings (Viewing all at once)
Group Settings (Changing Settings for a Group)
Groups (Importance, Joining, Optimizing)
Landing a job that meets your needs, capitalizes on your strengths and pays the bills. Our Goal is to Help You Reach Yours
Q & A ________ Thank You
… and now, a message from our lawyers Please note that the statements made herein are strictly the opinions of the presenter based on years of experience in the field. They are intended to provide general guidance to job seekers as individual circumstances may vary. Neither the presenter nor any organization the presenter is affiliated with warranties any of the information. No portion of this presentation or handouts may be reproduced or otherwise used for commercial purposes or for any business reason without the express permission of the owner.
Biography Marissa Marsala is the manager of a pro bono group on Employer & Candidate Connection (ECC) and the founder of a company bearing the same name, which serves three job-related types of clients. –ECC LinkedIn pro bono Group: Serves as an online meeting place for job seekers and businesses (employers & search firms) to post and apply for jobs. Job seekers can take advantage of a wide variety of free career advice/resume advice, networking tools and tips, as well as apply to jobs. –ECC Consultancy: Provides individualized job seekers support and traditional and contingency search firm services for both employers and search firm partners. The consultancy serves job seekers, employers and search firms. Credentials: Well-networked and uniquely qualified: Expert marketer of 15+ years and former HR management professional of 14+ years. Blend both to assist clients. –Help job seekers facilitate career “makeovers” by guiding, marketing, coaching, and preparing individuals for the next step in their careers –Assist both search partners and employers with traditional contingency and a la carte sourcing and screening services at affordable prices.
Marissa E. Marsala, Founder & CEO Office: Fax: