SPE-165611 The Human Chain - A Different Approach To Behavior Safety Program Through The Use Of Social Marketing Concepts Dr. Elie Daher, United Safety.


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Presentation transcript:

SPE The Human Chain - A Different Approach To Behavior Safety Program Through The Use Of Social Marketing Concepts Dr. Elie Daher, United Safety

Slide 2 The Impact of Behavior on Safety Big improvements made in engineering and safety management systems in the last decade. The next big step is to influence behavior and make it a part of a safe work culture. ACCIDENT / INCIDENT RATES TIME ENGINEERING SYSTEMS BEHAVIOURS 2

Slide 3 The Impact of Behavior on Safety Attitude describes how people consistently think, feel and behave towards a particular subject. It can be broken down into four components: 1.Cognitive 2.Affective 3.Evaluative 4.Conative Behavior is an action. It is how the person acts or reacts to any given circumstance. Note: The link from behavior change to attitude change is stronger than attitude change to behavior change. 3

ACTIVATORSBEHAVIORS CONSEQUENCES The ABC of Behavioral Safety 4 SPE The Human Chain - A Different Approach to Behavior Safety Program Through the Use of Social Marketing Concepts Dr. Elie Daher

Slide 5 The Four Elements of Behavior INTUITION Makes us react automatically to common situations. Our sub- consciousness provides the solutions for these situations the moment we need them. Trust your gut 5 MEMORY Ability to learn varies from person-to- person. Differences exist in our aptitude and the way we comprehend, process and store the information. COMMUNICATION We should be aware that the information we think is exchanged, often is diluted, distorted and misunderstood, if it is received at all. PERCEPTION The difference between thought and action or saying and doing is perception.

Slide 6 6 How to Change Behaviors Behavior-based safety, focuses on the identification and modification of critical safety behaviors to address underlying elements of the behavior. Culture-based approach, emphasizes the more fundamental importance of the organization's safety culture and climate.

Slide 7 7 Empowerment of People : I Can Do it, It Will Work, It is Worth it! From Accidents to Preventable Injuries: ''You know, this was just an accident,'' he said. ''Accidents happen to people. '' - Bill Clinton. NOYES NO FAILURE ACCEPTANCE SUCCESS SEEKER YES FAILURE AVOIDER OVER STRIVER Approach 1: BBS From Root Cause to Contributing Factors: Environmental factors, behaviors factors and person factors From failure avoiding to success seeking Success seekers are the optimists, the self motivators. Do you avoid Failure? Do you seek Success?

Slide 8 8 Approach 1: BBS with Social Marketing Social marketing theory suggests that an exchange takes place between the target audience (i.e., the worker) and the marketer (i.e., an industry group, or a major employer). Social marketing recognizes that information alone does not change behaviors Social marketing focuses on target audiences, including their needs, wants, and motivators Social marketing focuses on making behaviors easy, fun, and popular! This flyer from New Zealand was designed to go on car windshields facing the interior, urging drivers not to speed near schools SPE The Human Chain - A Different Approach to Behavior Safety Program Through the Use of Social Marketing Concepts Dr. Elie Daher

Slide 9 9 Target Audience: Young workers Lack familiarity with basic safety procedures due to inexperience Does not recognize when a workplace situation is dangerous Unwilling to ask questions (does not want to be seen as incompetent) More likely to take risks, underestimates risks Possess a sense of invincibility (accidents only happen to others) Desire to maintain their own self image, such as having a macho or tough person syndrome (e.g., Safety equipment is for wimps) Approach 1: BBS with Social Marketing Maintaining one’s image as being a competent worker (e.g., Carrying very heavy loads) Choose not to use safety equipment in order to avoid being teased or made fun of by coworkers SPE The Human Chain - A Different Approach to Behavior Safety Program Through the Use of Social Marketing Concepts Dr. Elie Daher

Slide 10 Approach 1: BBS with Social Marketing 10

Slide 11 Approach 1: BBS with Social Marketing 11 SPE The Human Chain - A Different Approach to Behavior Safety Program Through the Use of Social Marketing Concepts Dr. Elie Daher Fear Appeals: use ‘gruesome’ content in the form of: vivid and/or personalistic language gory pictures EPPM model (Extended Parallel Process) Consistent reports of positive changes in both safety behavior and accident rates regardless of the industrial sector or company size.

Slide 12 Approach 1: BBS with Social Marketing 12 Components of the Model: Threat (severity & susceptibility) Efficacy (response- & self-efficacy) Fear Control vs. Danger Control

Examples of Social Marketing Campaigns 13 Work Safe BC Using Social Marketing to Increase Occupational Health and Safety by Dr. Anne Lavack, British Columbia, Canada, 2008 ExxonMobil Corporation Beyond Information: Using Social Marketing Techniques to Promote the Adoption of Protective Travel-Health Behaviors By L.G. Shallenberger, D.L. Buford, and G.A. Douglas, Houston, Texas, USA, 2007 SPE The Human Chain - A Different Approach to Behavior Safety Program Through the Use of Social Marketing Concepts Dr. Elie Daher

Acknowledgements / Thank You / Questions One-Column Format Slide 14 Emerging Level 1 Managing Level 2 Involving Level 3 Cooperating Level 4 Continually Improving Level 5 Develop management commitment Realize the importance of front line staff and develop personal responsibility Engage all staff to develop cooperation and commitment to improving safety Develop consistency and fight complacency IMPROVING SAFETY CULTURE INCREASING CONSISTENCY SAFETY CULTURE MATURITY MODEL 14 Social Marketing and Stages of Change

Acknowledgements / Thank You / Questions 15 WORKS CITED Hudson, P.. "Implementing a safety culture in a major multi-national." Safety Science 45,.6 (2007): Print. "Human factors/ergonomics – Managing human performance, briefing notes." HSE: Information about health and safety at work. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov Kotler, Philip, and Nancy Lee. Social marketing: influencing behaviors for good. 4. ed. Los Angeles [u.a.: Sage Publ., Print. "Thinking about behavioural safety - Article." HSE: Information about health and safety at work. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov Oil and Gas Global Salary guide 2012, Hay group. s/pdf/ywresrep.panthonyroberto.com/eppm/hacr/EPPM.ppt Dr. Elie Daher EVP and CMO United Safety LTD Quality & Innovative Safety Solutions 104 East Lake Road N.E. Airdrie, AB, Canada T4A 2J8 T: United Safety International Quality & Innovative Safety Solutions P.O. Box Office Park Building, 3 rd Floor Block A, Dubai Media City, UAE T: C: