DWMA-Anantapur Orientation Training to Addl.Pos 1 st to 4 th February 2008 Day-I Session-II: Roles & Responsibilities of Functionaries at GP& Mandal
DWMA-Anantapur Functionaries at GP level GP Secretary Field Assistant Mates VO-Mobilization Sarpanches & ward members- Plan approvals Wage Seekers
DWMA-Anantapur Functionaries at Mandal Level MPDO EO RD Mandal Engineer Addl.PO Technical Assistants Computer Operators MPP MMS
DWMA-Anantapur Responsibilities of PO
DWMA-Anantapur Responsibilities of PO Preparation of labour Budget Ensuring minimum 100 days of work/family Keeping adequate works ready for shelf of works Issue of Job cards Supervising Muster Rolls Ensuring regular payments within 15 days Providing worksite facilities
DWMA-Anantapur Responsibilities of PO Fund management at mandal level Conduct review meetings Facilitate social audit Maintenance of records and registers Opening of accounts for wage seeking families Medical and ex-gratia payments Ensure proper functioning of MCC
DWMA-Anantapur 1. Preparation of Labour Budget Total No. of wage seeking families registered300 Total wage days required to be generated300*100 days/family =30,000 person days Total value of works to be day including material component 30,000*120=Rs lakhs Value of the works to be identified by the GP (75% of the total value) Rs lakhs
DWMA-Anantapur 2. Ensuring minimum 100 days work entitlement Ensure continuous wage Give work allotment for two months at a time Encourage reporting on Monday for work Ensure continuous reporting of families once reported for work Encourage more than one member per family to work- this improves average
DWMA-Anantapur 3. Ensure Adequate works in Shelf Identification of works once in a year Preparation of Budget in December Complete administrative and technical sanctions Maintain shelf GP wise Works sufficient for at least two months should be always available in the shelf/GP
DWMA-Anantapur 4. Issue of Job Cards It is a continuous process- can issue job cards as and when demanded Ensure that one family gets only one job card Affix photo identification on job cards Ensure unique ID for each job card Job card is valid for five years If job card is lost, it can be replaced, free of cost
DWMA-Anantapur Photo or Signature of PO
DWMA-Anantapur OR PO Household Job Card Wage Seekers Wage seeker registration Application Gram Panchayat Job card Register Enter Details of households MCC Job Card Process
DWMA-Anantapur 5. Supervising muster rolls Only numbered muster rolls to be used Each muster roll is allotted to a particular work ID One muster should be used only for fixed number of workers Signatures/thumb impressions are must for each worker Marking of attendance on muster Signature of FA, GP Secretary, witnesses
DWMA-Anantapur 6. Ensuring regular payments within (15) days Contd: cir. 1602
DWMA-Anantapur 7. Providing worksite facilities Worksite facilities are to be ensured by the Executing Agency. first aid box (NREGA, Schedule II, Sections 27 and 28) to the workers. Safeguards to injured worker: –Free treatment –Payment of ½ daily wage during the period Ex gratia payment in case of death and permanent disability during course of work. Facilities like safe drinking water, shade and crèche for children,first aid box If more than five children below the age of six years are present at the worksite, a person (preferably a disabled woman) should be engaged
DWMA-Anantapur 8. Maintaining adequate funds, prompt submission of Utilization Certificates. Account Details Date wise releases – Utilization (Year Ending Balance).
DWMA-Anantapur 9. Conducting review meetings. Weekly meeting with all FAs and TAs Review GP wise work progress and payments Periodic meetings of Sarpanches, GP Secretaries Convene MPP meetings for approval of works from time to time Attend review meetings convened by CEO/PD DWMA
DWMA-Anantapur Conducting review meetings- focus on Verify Muster Rolls Timely Payment of wages to labour Verify Quality and durability of works Provision of Works Site Facilities Check Updating of Job cards Check Updating of records in Gram Panchayats Assess Demand for work in each village Up dating data in Mandal Computer Center
DWMA-Anantapur 10. Facilitating Social Audit. “Social Audit” Means Continuous public vigilance for ….Ensuring public accountability in the implementation, Reducing corruption, malpractices and Deviations in the implementation of the programme Schedule for social auditSchedule for social audit Provide information to the Social auditorsProvide information to the Social auditors Inform all concerned to be presentInform all concerned to be present Mandal level public meeting to address issuesMandal level public meeting to address issues Follow up action on findings of social auditFollow up action on findings of social audit.
DWMA-Anantapur 12. Maintenance of records and registers GP Level Cash Book- remuneration and materials Work-wise expenditure Stock Register Job card application register Job card issue register Assets register Complaints register
DWMA-Anantapur 1Cash Book 2Cheque Book 3Vouchers 4Counter foils of the Cheques 5Fund Applications 6Register of works Administratively Sanctioned 7Technical Sanction Register 8Advance Register 9 Stock Registers (a) Stock Register for materials (b) Stock Register for Furniture (Fixed Assists) 10Register of Cheque Books Received 11Cheques issue Register 12Muster Roll issue Register 13Medicines issue register 14Pay Bill Register 15Weekly Review Meeting Register MANDALLEVELMANDALLEVEL
DWMA-Anantapur 13. Opening of Accounts to Labour in Post Offices & Banks 14. All medical, exgratia related payments New Additions and Updation of Jobcards 15. Updation of Job cards Sl. No Name of the GP HabitationExisting A/c Nos. A/cs to be opened Total Ex : - In the family eldger son get married entering of her wife is new addition. wife is new addition. To See Inner Sheets must beUpdated To See Inner Sheets must be Updated Permanent Disability0.25 Lakhs Death0.50 Lakhs
DWMA-Anantapur Functions of Addl. Programme Officer
DWMA-Anantapur 1.Ensuring that all workers file demand for work which is registered and acknowledged. Proforma for Demand for Work - Receipt
DWMA-Anantapur 11. Payment of Unemployment Allowance Non allotment of work with in 15 days after application of labour / labourNon allotment of work with in 15 days after application of labour / labour group is entitled for un-employment allowance.group is entitled for un-employment allowance. PO is responsible for entire mandal un-employment wage in timePO is responsible for entire mandal un-employment wage in time Un-employment payment wage is also in the same manner of NREGS.Un-employment payment wage is also in the same manner of NREGS. 25% wage as un-emp. allowance for first 30 days (i.e., if the work is not25% wage as un-emp. allowance for first 30 days (i.e., if the work is not allotted within 15 days)allotted within 15 days) 50% wage as un-emp. allowance for remaining days50% wage as un-emp. allowance for remaining days
Issue work commencement order based on Demand
DWMA-Anantapur Organizing Labour into groups Matching batching Organising labour in to groups Up to 40 members can be in one groupUp to 40 members can be in one group Facilitate identification of mate from among themFacilitate identification of mate from among them At least 1/3 of women should be followedAt least 1/3 of women should be followed Disabled persons can be encouraged to enrol based on their ability to do specific jobsDisabled persons can be encouraged to enrol based on their ability to do specific jobs Works should be allotted to groups in a consultative process- (distance, hard/simple works)Works should be allotted to groups in a consultative process- (distance, hard/simple works)
DWMA-Anantapur Training and capacity building to Labour, Field Assistants and Mates. Preparation of Training Calendar Quarterly schedule should be followedQuarterly schedule should be followed Both Technical & Non-technical should be followedBoth Technical & Non-technical should be followed Records MaintenanceRecords Maintenance Take support from CLRC/DLRCTake support from CLRC/DLRC Follow unit costsFollow unit costs Follow up on trainings in the fieldFollow up on trainings in the field
DWMA-Anantapur 1. Web uploading on daily basis. Daily Uploding (Differential) 2. Monitoring performance of EGS functionaries in the Mandals, Labour Groups, Grampanchyats, V.O.s, Mates, Field Asst, Technical Asst. Monitoring Functions 3. Undertake extensive field visits
DWMA-Anantapur Reporting Arrangements: All Technical Assistants, Mandal Computer Operators and Field Assistants will directly report to Additional Programme Officer. Additional Programme Officer shall report to Programme Officer. Additional Programme Officer should regularly review and supervise the functioning of Technical Assistants, Computer Operators and Field Assistants. He should take up capacity building for these functionaries as well as recommend corrections/disciplinary action wherever there are shortfalls.
DWMA-Anantapur Miscellaneous: Programme Officer shall ensure that salaries, allowances etc., entitled by Additional Programme Officers, Technical Assistants, Computer Operators and Field Assistants shall be paid on 1st of every month without fail. Additional Programme Officer will move file on 25th of every month for salaries, allowances like TA/DA etc. and other perks entitled by Field Assistants, Technical Assistants & Computer Operators and shall take approval from MPDO. After approval by MPDO, the Computer Operator will write the cheques and take the signature of the MPDO. The Commissioner, RD shall come up with detailed HRD Policy covering all other basic entitlements such as EPF, Maternity leave, Accidental insurance and Disciplinary action etc., for Technical Assistants, Computer Operators and Additional Programme Officers.