1 Brent Newren Director Mountainland Economic Service Area Brent Newren Director Mountainland Economic Service Area UTAH’S WORKFORCE TODAY and TOMORROW
Working Together… ٭Share information ٭Leverage resources ٭Build partnerships
Did you know…? ٭ Current Unemployment Rate ٭ 7٭ 7.6% Utah ٭ 9٭ 9.1% Nationally ٭ 102,000 people unemployed statewide ٭ 81,302 employers in Utah ٭ 356,644 Job Seekers in the DWS Labor Exchange ٭ 14,373 open job orders in our Labor Exchange
Utah’s Labor Market Highlights ٭Expanded job growth by 2.9% (Aug Aug 2011) ٭Labor force participation is 67% ٭Private Sector driven job growth ٭Added 29,500 jobs during the past 12 months *Statistics provided by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Industries gains… ٭ Oil and gas new job ٭ Construction - heavy and civil engineering ٭ Manufacturing growth rate of 5.2 percent ٭ Trade and transportation - 7,600 jobs created ٭ Professional and business services 4-8% growth
Industries gains con’t… ٭ Education and healthcare - 4 percent growth ٭ Leisure and hospitality - 4,800 new jobs ٭ Decrease in government employment
٭ 2,010 Employees ٭ Budget $1,195,656,400 ٭ 95.6% Federal ٭ 4.4% State ٭ Offices in 28 counties WHO WE ARE…
8 Eligibility Services Division (ESD) Unemployment Insurance Division (UI) Workforce Development Division (WDD) ALL SERVICES AVAILABLE ESD UI WDD
9 OUR MISSION We are preparing our customers to prosper now and as the workforce of the future. OUR VISION We strengthen Utah’s economy by supporting the economic stability and quality of our workforce.
Eligibility Services Division (ESD) ♦ Medicaid ♦ Food Stamps ♦ Financial Assistance ♦ Child Care
ESD Monthly Summary ♦189,049 Households Percent of Households with open case in category (average benefit) Medical ♦10 % Chip ♦7% PCN ♦70% Other Medical –Assistance Programs ♦60% Food Stamps ♦5% TANF ♦4% Child Care ♦< 1% Refugee ♦<1% State Funded ♦84,557 Inbound Calls –14:04 minute wait time –21:55 minutes wait plus talk time ♦7:51 minute talk time 28,380 New Applications –20,615 online August 2011 Cases with Benefits Issued ($303) ($297) ($593) ($125) ($263)
ESD ♦ Provides 24/7 access to customers through myCase Technology ♦ Online Chat with caseworkers ♦ 175 Telecommuters across the State ♦ Reduced staff by 25% while increasing case workload by 300% ♦ ROI of $18 million ♦ Recipient of the Governor’s Award for Innovation & Efficiency
Unemployment Insurance (UI) ¤ Manage Contributions ¤ Collect UI payments from Employers ¤ Administer UI benefit program for claimants ¤ Federal reporting ¤ Assist in getting claimants back-to-work ¤ Grant programs
UI Benefit Trends ¤ Initial State UI claims avg 2,000 per week during the last quarter (July-Sept), or down about 15% over last year. ¤ Continued State UI claims have been avg 19,000 per week during the last quarter, or down about 24% last year. ¤ Last week UI paid out about $4.7 million in State benefits vs. $6.2 million last year. A 24% reduction. ¤ Currently 49% of claimants are exhausting their State UI benefits and the average duration is 15.3 weeks, both have slightly decreased the past 2 quarters
Demographics of UI Claimants ¤ Age, Education, and Wages: ¤ 33% under the age of 30 ¤ 22% are 50+ yrs of age ¤ 33% do not have high school diploma or equivalent ¤ 12% have a bachelor’s degree or higher ¤ 20% made less than $10,000 per year ¤ 1¤ 10% made more than $50,000 per year
UI Trust Funds ¤ The current Trust fund balance is $310 million. ¤ Revenue projections are approximately $1.1 billion for FY 2011 through 2014 while State UI benefits are projected to be approximately $1.35 billion for the same period.
UI Facts & Awards ¤ Lower tax rates ¤ Higher benefits ¤ Weekly benefit amount 15 th highest in the country ¤ 10 th lowest duration rate in the country ¤ Recipient of the 2011 UI Integrity Award from the National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation & Workers’ Compensation ¤ Recipient of the Performance Award from the U.S. Department of Labor
20 Value Proposition Statement We identify employers’ current and future workforce needs and promote access and connection of trained, skilled, and qualified job seekers.
22 Demand Driven Approach IIdentify employer needs BBuild strong partnerships and workforce strategies AAssess the job readiness of job seekers UUse our labor exchange to bring employers and job seekers together UUse programs and services that are specifically tailored to support employer to job seeker connection
23 Align our processes around a common goal Meet employer needs resulting in jobs Committed to operational excellence—getting results Ensuring Utah’s economy is the best in the nation Grounded in the philosophy of “people who can work, do work.” Focused on operational excellence Theory of Constraint model (continuous process improvement)
25 EMPLOYER SERVICES 24/7 access 24/7 access
Recruiting Services Assist in the hiring process Post Job Openings in our Labor Exchange Provide both self & mediated services Central Job Order Unit (CJO) WORK (9675)
Recruiting Services Help develop behavior based interview questions to assist in hiring the right person for the right position Space for on-site recruitment in our Employment Centers Assist anyway possible to meet your workforce needs
Pre-Layoff Services Benefits to Employers Maintains productivity and worker morale Lower unemployment insurance costs Decreased likelihood of work disruptions and sabotage Better public relations and community image
Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) To help people in need of employment to gain on-the-job experience and move toward economic self-sufficiency. WOTC can reduce your federal tax liability when you hire from targeted groups of job seekers. New hires who begin work before Dec. 31, 2011 and belonged to a targeted group will be credited for the 2011 tax year.
WOTC Employer Benefits Annual tax credits can be as much as: $2,400$2,400 for each new adult hire $1,200$1,200 for each new summer youth hire $4,800$4,800 for each new disabled veteran hire $9,000$9,000 for each new long-term family assistance recipient hired over a 2-yr period
Job Seeker Services Employment Counseling Work Readiness Activities Job Seeker Workshops Resume Labs Job Clubs
Job Seeker Services Skills Assessments Registration in our Labor Exchange jobs Job Referrals ob Development ob Connecting Activities
Preparing Tomorrow’s Workforce, Today … Training Services Occupations in Demand - Targeted Industries Workforce Investment Act Adult Dislocated Worker Trade Act Youth Services On-The-Job training Short-term skills based training Apprenticeship Certification Programs Associate & other Post-Secondary Occupations for training
Youth Services (14-21) High School Diploma/GED Career Exploration & Testing Occupational Skills Training Employment Counselor Paid Internships Tutoring, leadership development, numeracy literacy
39 OTHER WORKFORCE INCENTIVE PROGRAMS Back-To-Work Program Get claimants off unemployment insurance by obtaining employment Employer incentive $500 payment to the employer at time of hire 1,500 after 3 months
Other Economic Service Area Programs Funded by the Legislature STEP-UP (employer subsidy) Custom-Fit Training HS Diploma/GED “Invest in YOU” Customized Training Programs Partner with education on special training projects Special edc.UTAH and GOED Projects
Your Local WDD Director Kristen Floyd # (435) Brigham City’s Employment Center 138 West 990 South Brigham City, UT Logan’s Employment Center 180 North 100 West Logan, UT Rich County’s 69 North Paradise Parkway Room 224 Garden City, UT 84028