LWIA 13 Strategic Plan Naomi Earp May 16-17, 2013
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. One-Stop Operator Structure Per WIA & consortium of local government agreements (City of Memphis, Shelby County & Fayette County) City of Memphis is designated fiscal agent WIB is authorized to select the one stop operator LWIA’s one stop center is operated by the City of Memphis staff
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Streamlined Service Delivery Process flows implemented for two-way flow of clients Hot Jobs Blast shared with Job Seeker side and partners resulting in referrals to Business Services WIN Career Action Network (Job Club) gets referrals from Job Seeker side to continue job search assistance – 6 people placed with employers in 4 months Non-job ready clients sent to Job Seeker side from Business Services for orientation and assistance Launch of comprehensive website
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Impact of Sequestration
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. State Assistance to Mitigate Sequestration Impact TDOL finalizing and issuing contracts to the LWIAs prior to the October start date Increased flexibility for redirection of money to the population with the greatest need
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Impact of Career Center Closings Minimal in Shelby County Next closest TDOL Center is 3 miles away from Main St. location Large in Fayette County Next closest TDOL Center is 50 miles away
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Rapid Response
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Most Used Training Providers
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Total $$ Spent on Training Providers
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Most Funded Employment Sectors
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. IRT Graduates Hired
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Industry Sectors with Most Jobs Available Industrial Production/Manufacturing Logistics (including Warehouse & Transportation) Healthcare (Nursing Assistant, Medical Billing & Coding) Information Technology (IT Repair, Computer Networking)
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Partnerships, Collaborations & Innovative Practices Transitional Jobs for Ex-Offenders IWT Industrial Readiness Training (IRT) Choice Neighborhood Partner Made in Memphis GreenPrint Process
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Improving Case Management Three-fold Approach Process Preparation In-house Audit
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Improving Case Management - Process Case Review
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Improving Case Management - Preparation Global Career Development Facilitator Required for each Case Manager Eight Case Managers have completed Remaining Case Managers will be finished by December 2013 Targeted Competency Improvement includes: Career Facilitation Assessments Labor Market Trends Placement Techniques
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Improving Case Management – In-house Audit Quarterly caseload review of each Case Manager conducted by the Career Center Coordinator and Non-training Coordinator Data accuracy and validation including: Enrollment date Program start and exit dates Supportive and verifying documentation Document placement in file Utilized to ensure compliance with TEGL Section 6 requirements
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. TN Works Act Accomplishments Company with OJT ContractStatus American QueenReferring candidates KTGReferring candidates KMA ManufacturingContract in progress KIK Custom ProductsContract in progress BryceExploring potential contract KM LogisticsExploring potential contract ServiceMasterExploring potential contract
WIN Works. For People. For Business. For the Community. Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) Grant Progress Ticket-Work-Program Provided one-to-one career counseling, supportive assistance, and referral and employment service to over 100 individuals with disabilities Over 25% where interested in the Ticket to Work program 16% of those who were interested have assigned their Ticket to the Center Employers on board for job placement: 5 Accomplishments: Integrated Resource Team (IRT) Kick-off Luncheon to market program & raise awareness Initiated VITA Free Tax Program