1 An O*NET Academy Briefing: O*NET Tools for the Job Seeker Presented by Dr. JanetWall Presented by Dr. Janet Wall Senior Trainer, O*NET Academy
2 Goals of Webinar Provide some tools that will help you work with job seekers –Finding a Job –Resume Preparation –Interviewing –Thank You Letters –Salary Negotiation
3 Finding a Job: State Job Banks earch/COS_jobsites.aspx
6 Create a Resume: Forest Fire Fighters What do they do? What tools do they use? What skills and abilities do they have? Use O*NET information to create a resume.
7 Resume
8 Enter Occupational Title
9 What Do They Do?
10 What Tools Do They Use?
11 What Skills Do They Have?
12 What Abilities Do They Use?
13 Tools for Creating a Resume asp?nodeid=26
14 Types of Resumes
15 Features Features
16 Types of Resumes and Templates esInterviews/ResumeAdvice/Samples Templates.aspx
17 Interviews O*NET Occupational Information –Provides language that can be used “Over the past 5 years, I have used my listening skills to assess the needs of my department. This resulted in the creation of policies that are still in use today.” “I am interested in this position because I believe my service orientation fits well with the job requirements.” “I have used my teaching and training skills to increase the capabilities of the volunteer fire fighters.” “Because of my interest in computers, I was the person responsible for using our spreadsheet program to monitor our budget and procure equipment.”
18 Before the Job Interview Research the employer –What product/services does the employer provide? –How many employees does the employer have? –How long have they been in business? –What is the company’s mission statement or philosophy? –Where is it located? Transportation? –What is the company’s financial situation?
19 Sources of Information About the Employer Job description Employer brochures Annual business reports Trade periodicals Manufacturers’ guides Union representatives School placement offices Local and state employment service offices Chambers of Commerce Professional organizations Current employees
20 Service Locator
21 Example State Web Information
22 Find Employers – Search by Industry mployerlocator.asp?nodeid=18
23 Select a State
24 Select Geographic Area and City
25 Select Category
26 Specific Information
27 Thank You Letter etters/ThankYouNoteSample.aspx
28 Job Offer – Now What?
29 Salary Negotiation - General
30 Salary – More Specific =&id=1&nodeid=208&soccode=&jobfam=&SOC=
31 Select Occupation and Location
32 Results
33 Resources Creative Job Search Candidates Guide to the Perfect Interview ( ates+Guide+to+the+Perfect+Interview.htm) ates+Guide+to+the+Perfect+Interview.htm Employment Interviewing ( Salary Calculations ( Job Seekers Online Goldmine: A Step-by-Step Guidebook to Government and Interactive Web Tools (
35 Some Supporting Webinars How to Download and Use the O*NET Interest Profiler and Work Importance Profiler Overview of the O*NET Ability Profiler How to Administer the O*NET Ability Profiler How to Interpret the Ability Profiler O*NET Tools for the Older Worker Linking Education, Occupations and Pay O*NET Tools for Military in Transition O*NET Tools for School Counselors Tools and Technology Emerging Occupations
36 Opportunities for You Spotlight – Podcast – audio interview User-Focused Webinars –Contact ASSESSMENT RESOURCES