Councillor Nick McDonald Portfolio Holder for Jobs, Skills & Business Nottingham City Council
Employment & Growth In Nottingham
The Broader Context & Challenges 14,154 people claiming Jobseekers Allowance (April 2013) – 6.7% of the population, significantly above the national rate 3.7%. 21,000 children (under 20 yrs) live in workless households (34.5%). 39% of adults lack a level 2 qualification (Dec 12). 32% of children living in poverty (2012), 11th highest in the UK
Unemployment in Nottingham There are now 13,767 (6.5%) people claiming Job Seeker’s Allowance in Nottingham May 2013, compared to 14,327 (6.7%) in May 2012 This represents a decrease of 3.9% over the last 12 months, compared to 6.6% nationally 54.1% of claimants in Nottingham are now classed as long term unemployed (out of work for more than 6 months)
Key Employment & Skills Targets Nottingham Plan: Increase the employment rate to 75% by Raise the proportion of adults (ages 16 – 65) with at least level 2 qualifications to 90%. Manifesto Commitment: Reduce unemployment by 25% (as of May 2011) by Increase the number of people qualified to level 2 or above by 10%
The Nottingham Growth Plan Actions focused on three key areas: Fostering Enterprise Providing business support structures and financial incentives to encourage enterprise Developing a skilled workforce Creating a skilled productive workforce to support new industries and making it simpler for employers and potential employees to connect with each other. Building a 21 st century infrastructure Including sustained investment in office and business accommodation and digital infrastructure
Growth – Key Initiatives Nottingham Investment Fund Providing equity investments to help both established and early stage growth companies to develop Nottingham Technology Grant Fund for companies in the clean technologies, life science and digital content sectors who are looking to expand their premises or exploit technology or intellectual property
Growth – Key Initiatives Retail and City Centre Strategy Supporting independent retailers and encouraging investment through a flexible approach. Growth 100 programme Offering intensive business support for SMEs through a 12 month bespoke programme delivered by The University of Nottingham Business School.
Employment & Skills - Key Initiatives 1. The Nottingham Jobs Fund Established in 2011 to place 400 young people into work by March £2.2m has been made available by the City Council. Up to 75% wage incentive is designed to encourage employers to create new jobs for unemployed young people in the city. Over 300 job opportunities created since 1st April 2012.
Employment & Skills - Key Initiatives 2. The Apprenticeship Hub ‘City Deal’ – to create 1,000 apprentices in Nottingham over the next 3 yrs. Department of Business, Innovation & Skills has provided over £1m to establish an Apprenticeship Hub. The Apprenticeship Hub will stimulate employer demand, raise awareness in young people, parents and ensure the provider base meets the needs of local employers.
Employment & Skills - Key Initiatives The Apprenticeship Hub Financial Incentives Nottingham Apprenticeship Grants - between £1,000 and £2,300 Age Grant- NAS funded - £1500 Nottingham Jobs Fund - £4,836 + £500 training Total incentive to employers= £9,136 per apprentice
Employment & Skills - Key Initiatives 3. The Employer Hub The Employer Hub provides a recruitment service for City Employers and matches local people to local jobs. Uses City Council planning and procurement system to secure employment and training opportunities for Nottingham City residents - over 500 into employment since 1st April 2012 (including 50+ apprenticeships). Activity has been largely focused on the construction sector.
Employment & Skills - Key Initiatives The Employer Hub Model – Capturing Job Opportunities Via Section 106 agreements, developers are required to use the EH for their recruitment and training, Developers pay a ‘social contribution’ to support this recruitment service This approach is applied to all developments over 10 houses or projects over £2m Procurement – Local employment requirements considered for all contracts over £200,000
Employment & Skills - Key Initiatives 4. Community & Partner Engagement The City Council works in partnership with local community organisations to help unemployed young people find work. Annual Jobs Fair and a series of smaller community fairs. In 2012 over 5,000 jobs seekers attended (35% 18-24yr olds, 22% from BME community). £1.5m funding to ‘Nottingham Futures’ to deliver IAG and support to the NEET group. £2.8m Innovation Funding from the DWP to support ‘Not Known’ young people into training and employment.