„Training of unemployed, job seekers and people at risk of unemployment”
Existing support for training „Training of unemployed and job seekers” (MoW program) Within the program companies can apply for activities „Training according to employers’ demand” un „Training at employers location” Small number of companies who actually uses the opportunity to train unemployed or job seeker to fill their vacancies. Limited amount of financing still available for these purposes as large proportion has been used for various other types of unemployed person training. After training employer must hire trained person for at least three months „Support to training for employed for enhancing competitiveness of enterprises - support to training for employed in partnerships” Only employed persons can be trained Training must be organized in partnership with other companies „Support to training for employed for enhancing competitiveness of enterprises - support to individually organized training by enterprises” Only employed persons can be trained Aid intensity for small and medium sized companies is 45%
Necessary support for training Ministry of Economics proposals: Structural unemployment must be reduced by training unemployed in specialties what are necessary in the labor market. Necessary to develop permanent support program for next three years to provide employers with required specialists constantly After training employer must hire for three months at least 70% from trained persons. Employers associations will identify necessities of its members and together with State Employment Agency will select unemployed, job seekers and people at risk of unemployment for training. Employers association will also organize public procurement Employers proposals: In next three years there will be need to train unemployed person and job seeker and estimated training costs are lats.
Financing for training Necessary financing to launch programme Amount of necessary financing is lats Estimated number of trained unemployed job seekers and people at risk of unemployment– 200 persons monthly Next steps: Criteria to be approved on 16 th of June in EU funds Monitoring committee Cabinet of Ministers regulations will be approved by the end of Necessary financing will be allocated from „Support to training for employed for enhancing competitiveness of enterprises - support to individually organized training by enterprises”, where are available lats.
General questions Goal Provide unemployed, job seekers and people at risk of unemployment with an opportunity to acquire necessary skills and knowledge according to labor market demand, what would create favorable conditions for future development of companies. Project selection procedure – Open project selection procedure Beneficiaries – Employers association Project execution is till 2015 New program supplements „ Training of unemployed and job seekers” „ Support to training for employed for enhancing competitiveness of enterprises - support to training for employed in partnerships” and „ Support to training for employed for enhancing competitiveness of enterprises - support to individually organized training by enterprises”
Description of program Aid intensity: For training unemployed and job seekers – 100% For training people at risk of unemployment – according to state aid conditions Financing is provided for training unemployed, job seekers and people at risk of unemployment. Services for companies Selection of appropriate candidates Training to prepare specialists for specific position Project realization – max., 3.years
CRITERIA OF QUALITY ACCEPTANCE 1.quality criterion – capacity of the project management team; 2.quality criterion – number of persons trained during the project; 3.-6.quality criteria – horizontal priorities.
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