EBSCO today: Global trends, and local service to ANKOS and Turkish libraries ANKOS Meeting, Mugla April 2011 Marco Cassi General Manager EBSCO Information Services Turkey and EastMed Quality Content l Resource Management l Access l Integration l Consultation
Agenda 1.Libraries and information world today 2.Market trends 3.The new EBSCO role and services 4.EBSCO in Turkey and with Ankos 5.Final remarks
1 – Libraries and information world today “It is a big deal to convince young students that the only valuable information sources are the full texts and that Wikipedia and others are superficial and totally devoid of ideas. The way to succeed is to organise the electronic libraries in a very attractive way and I think the agencies have a role to play here.” Academic librarian
The e-world Over 85% HSS journals and over 95% STM journals are now online Source: Cox J&L : Scholarly Publishing Practice (Third Survey 2008), ALPSP 2008
World is changing… Hot Spots & Emerging trends 3rd generation of search engine deep web linked data social media mobile devices Web 3.0 discovery-to-delivery metadata E-learning centers E-books Open worldcat RDF standard
Users: lack of knowledge about available and reliable resources 82% of information consumers begin their searches for information on a search engine, a source they find roughly as trustworthy as a library 1% begin on a library website Source: OCLC, Perceptions of Libraries, 2010 Google generation
Users: lack of knowledge about available and reliable resources Google generation 24/7 virtual access Desire of more e-content (ebooks) Lack of knowledge about reliable resources Struggle with multiple search options Zero tolerance for delay to get the info Struggle to understand connection between journals, db, articles OPAC difficult to use Do not know the information search process Desire to get content on their mobiles Frustration to access journal backfiles Use social media
Librarians: from information seeker to added value service provider Less interaction with users Face budget cuts Must justify the e-cost with usage stats Many resources under used Role is expanding Need to reposition in the library Have to provide added value services
In difficult economic time Source: The economic downturn and libraries – Survey findings – Charleston Conference 2009 CIBER Charleston Information Observatory2009
Impact on the acquisition of ressources CIBER Charleston Information Observatory2009 Source: The economic downturn and libraries – Survey findings – Charleston Conference 2009
Need to outsource The message we get from the Charleston survey Move to “e” only Do things differently With Big deals taking 75%+ Then Big deals must change? Budget in decline Need to prove value & show positive return on investment
2 - Market trends
Market trends: online only
66% of EBSCO orders have an e-component today PrintPrint & ElectronicElectronic only
3 – The new EBSCO role and services
Challenges for Agents Agents have to change too! Needed more than ever to provide tools and services for publishers AND libraries
EBSCO to provide added value services Basics Outsourced Better license terms negotiated, bespoke Seamless Integration One unified access Collection evaluation & usage statistics Automation Concentrate on added value service to users Save money Link all data Make all resources visible Calculate ROI & make sustainable decisions Free up time More contentTo better serve the users EBSCO providesCustomer benefits
EBSCO today: e-agent & consultative partner Services for publishers Traditional subscription management eResources access and management services 18 Content aggregation
EBSCO recent developments New products & solutions
4 - EBSCO in Turkey and with ANKOS First EBSCO Turkey Office opened in 1980’s Constant and accelerating growth –Increase of 40 % in 2010 Fully staffed office –10 professional people, sales, service, tech –100+ years in the industry, combined! Aims high quality service with the best price –International investments and expertise, and local focus
EBSCO and ANKOS relationship EBSCO is one of the first ANKOS partners –EBSCOhost agreement with ANKOS in 2000 ( till 2008 ) Current publishers’ agreements: –ACM – Association of Computing Machinery – 2006 –AR – Annual Reviews – 2007 –KARGER Medical and Scientific Publishes – 2009 –NATURE – 2010 –Project MUSE – 2010 –Mary Ann Liebert
The future Developing the new EBSCO role –Subs, content aggregation, A & M tools, services to publishers Launching and implementing the newest services –ERM/E, EDS, NetLibrary, ePack renewals on EBSCONET,... Expanding presence and focus on customers Doing more, and better, in Turkey and with ANKOS
Quality Content l Resource Management l Access l Integration l Consultation Questions? Thank you!