SOAP It cleans you and your stuff russell davies: I like the simplicity and clarity of this. You’re not attempting to say too much. Just one thing. That’s good. russell davies: I like the simplicity and clarity of this. You’re not attempting to say too much. Just one thing. That’s good.
INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Lets not talk about competitors, market share, share of shelf space, brand attitudes, relative likedness and so on. As you already know this, and then some.
PRODCUCT ANALYSIS Though we did notice this industry is a category of superlatives and promises: “Makes whites whiter” “Keeps darks darker” “Is better smelling” “Cleans better in cold water” And so on… russell davies: Do you need this page? It’s not really part of your argument is it? russell davies: Do you need this page? It’s not really part of your argument is it?
BUT HERE IS WHAT MATTERS TO You While over time detergents and soaps increasingly do a better job at what they do – clean you and your things – prices have been declining and margins squeezed. Essentially you are making a better product to sell at an ever lower price. Wal Mart and company have trained customers to expect this. But there is not much more room for prices to drop to achieve price dominance. russell davies: I like the focus on their business and a hard-headed business issue, not woolly, brand stuff. russell davies: I like the focus on their business and a hard-headed business issue, not woolly, brand stuff.
WE NEED TO TAKE BACK PRICE POWER To do this lets look at some trends bigger than soap itself.
GREEN Given you new product, you’ve already noticed this: people are more aware of the impact the choices they make have on the environment around them. Organic food, Fair Trade, sustainable energy, carbon neutral, recyclable packaging, DIY reuse of packaging, and so on. Products can’t get much better “performing” (e.g. better cleaning, etc,,,) but their impact on the environment and therefore their conscious is influencing their purchase decisions. russell davies: Be nice to have some data to support this assertion. I know you might not be able to get soap- powder related data, but their must be free data that might help you make your point here. russell davies: Be nice to have some data to support this assertion. I know you might not be able to get soap- powder related data, but their must be free data that might help you make your point here.
AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH ABOUT SOAP Most soap is actually very dirty. While is cleans you and your stuff it puts a tremendous amount of pollutants into the environment and onto your skin. russell davies: Dirty soap is a neat juxtaposition. Like that. russell davies: Dirty soap is a neat juxtaposition. Like that.
IN THE FUTURE We will look back at today’s soap the way we today look a leaded gasoline - irresponsible, disgustingly dirty, and responsible for unacceptable environmental harm. russell davies: And that’s a good analogy. Brings the point home well. russell davies: And that’s a good analogy. Brings the point home well.
YOUR OPPORTUNITY Be know as more than just an eco-friendly brands of detergents and cleaners. Be known as the clean soap. russell davies: Like I say, I like the simplicity and directness of this approach. One big point, clearly made. I worry that you’re being a bit didactic and assertive with a client who knows way more than you. A more conversational approach might make sense. And it’d be nice to see you make more of an effort to dig out some actual facts to support your case. Lots of typos in here. If English isn’t your first language then I forgive you. If it is then bad, very bad. russell davies: Like I say, I like the simplicity and directness of this approach. One big point, clearly made. I worry that you’re being a bit didactic and assertive with a client who knows way more than you. A more conversational approach might make sense. And it’d be nice to see you make more of an effort to dig out some actual facts to support your case. Lots of typos in here. If English isn’t your first language then I forgive you. If it is then bad, very bad.