Sample Science Fair Ideas Feb. 2013
Magnets 1.Will a magnet work as well if it is cold or warm instead of room-temperature? Use 6 identical magnets. Chill two, warm two, and have two room temperature. Test the strength to hold an item or move an item. 2.Does the size of the magnet determine the strength? Collect large magnets, and small magnets – see how many items each one can move.
Plants 1.Does a plant prefer full sunlight, partial sunlight or no sunlight? 2.Does a plant grow better when it is fertilized? Compare the amount or timing of fertilization. 3.Does a plant still grow if part of its leaves are covered with dark paper? 4.Does a plant grow better when watered with fresh water, salt water, pond water, or sugar water? Try other liquids.
More plants 1.What is the best way to help cut flowers last the longest? ( Add sugar or aspirin to the water or change the water daily?) 2.Can a plant grow in a pot that is sideways? 3.Does talking to your plant help it grow faster? Does it respond to music? 4.Do plants grow better in soil that has worms?
Balloons (in general) 1.Can I put a stick or a pin into a balloon without it popping? 2.How much weight will a partially inflated balloon hold before it pops? Is it the same as a fully blown-up balloon? 3.If I fill a balloon with water, how far can I drop or throw it before it breaks? Remember to do multiple tests.
Balloon Rockets 1.Does the size of a balloon determine how fast a balloon rocket moves? 2.Does the angle of the string change the speed with which a balloon rocket moves? 3.Does the size or weave of the string make a difference? 4.Does the the length of the staw used make a difference in the speed or distance the balloon rocket moves?
The better brand 1.Which brand of paper towel is stronger? 2.Which brand of dish detergent cleans up the greasiest pan best OR cleans the most dishes? 3.What brand of laundry stain treatment works best to remove the stain? 4.Which brand of something stays fresh the longest?
Ice 1.Does the shape of an ice cube determine how fast it freezes? Or how quickly it melts? 2.Does the size of an ice block determine how long it takes to melt? 3.What method of wrapping an ice cube will allow it to last the longest before melting away?
Water 1.What type of water warms the fastest? Water from my faucet, water from the pond/lake, water from the ocean/bay? 2.Which water evaporates the fastest? 3.If I mix water with dirt, sand, sugar, flour, or salt am I able to separate the water from the ingredients when it is poured through a coffee filter?
Smell 1.Can people identify a fruit just by smell? 2.Do people prefer sweet or fruity odors?
Clothes 1.Does the type of shoe you wear change how fast you can run? 2.Do mittens or gloves keep your hands warmer? What else can you think of?
Food 1.Which popcorn pops the best? (has the least unpopped kernals) 2.Which potato chips are the greasiest? 3.Do all brands of “bubble gum” make the same size bubble? 4.Do apples last longer in the sun or the shade?
Ideas! These are just some ideas – Think of some more! Change these! Make them your own!