Chapter 17 Technology And The Environment
Ecology: Studying the Natural Environment Ecology-study of how living organisms interact with the natural environment Natural environment-earth’s surface and atmosphere, including living organisms as well as the air, water,soil, and other resources necessary to sustain life Technology-knowledge that people use to live in a physical environment
The Role of Sociology The role of the sociologist in the study of the environment Study how we interact and relate to the natural environment and impact it Survey what people do in relationship to the environment
The Global Dimension Environmental issues transcend national boundaries and are global in scope Ecosystem-system composed of the interaction of all living organisms and their natural environment »All living things are interrelated »Change in one part impacts the other parts
The Rising Power of Technology Humans have always impacted the environment »Primitive tools had less of an impact The onset of industrial technologies led to a major increase in human impact on the environment
The Rising Power of Technology The Environmental Deficit-profound and long-term harm to the environment caused by humanity’s focus on short-term material affluence
The Rising Power of Technology There are three major reasons for understanding the deficit 1.Environmental quality a social issue 2.Environmental damage is often unintended 3.The deficit is reversible
Population Increase Population growth came about with »Industrial technology and higher living standards »Improvements in medicine Population growth and its effect on poverty Population growth, technology and the strain on environmental resources
Cultural Patterns: Growth and Limits The Logic of Growth U.S. based on the value of material comfort Optimistic view Productive technology has made our life better Progress will continue We will figure our way out of environmental problems
Cultural Patterns: Growth and Limits The Logic of Growth Criticisms of the logic of growth thesis Resources are finite We will not be able to solve all environmental problems The more powerful and complex the technology the more damage
Cultural Patterns: Growth and Limits The Limits to Growth Pessimistic view Growth must have its limits »Must limit our growth before we destroy the environment »Resources are limited
Solid Waste: The Disposable Society Disposable society »Material rich with products »Value convenience »Many products are built to be disposable Landfills and running out of space Volume EPA- and 30,000 landfills that contain hazardous materials
Solid Waste: The Disposable Society Much of what goes into landfills takes along time to degrade Solution-turn waste into resources »Recycling
Preserving Clean Water Hydrological cycle-the earth naturally recycles water and refreshes the land »Renews the water supply »Cleans the water Two major concerns related to water »Water supply »Water pollution
Preserving Clean Water Water Supply »Rainfall »Rivers and lakes »Underground reservoirs »Other Population growth and the demand for water Complex technology and the demand for water
Preserving Clean Water Water Pollution Dumping of toxic waste Water borne micro-organisms are found in some sources of drinking water and carry infectious disease »Typhoid »Cholera »Dysentery
Air Pollution Industrial technology and air pollution »Factory smoke stacks »Automobiles »Smoke from coal fired utility plants »Particles
Acid Rain Acid rain-precipitation, made acidic by air pollutants, that destroys plant and animal life Power plants and the burning of fossil fuel »Contaminates water supplies »Deteriorates physical buildings »Destroys plant and animal life
Rain Forest Rain forest-regions of dense forestation, most of which circle the globe close to the equator Deforestation of the rain forest »Population growth and demand for resources »Demand to raise the standard of living in countries where the forests are located Impact on biodiversity
Global Warming Global warming »Industrial production and the release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere Greenhouse affect-rising temperatures Impact on plant and animal life
Declining Biodiversity Three problems related to the decline in biodiversity 1.Biodiversity and the decline in sources of food 2.Loss of genetic resources and medicine 3.Extinction of species is irreversible
Structural-Functional Analysis: Getting the Big Picture Three sources of pollution from the functionalist perspective 1.Technology as a source of environmental pollution 2.Culture as another source of pollution »Values and attitudes that guide our behavior as it relates to the environment
Structural-Functional Analysis: Getting the Big Picture Three sources of pollution from the functionalist perspective 3.Interconnectedness of social life Pollution is a by product of industrial production and consumption
Social-Conflict analysis: Highlighting Inequality Pollution is rooted within inequality and self- interest The pursuit of corporate interest and profit is the cause of pollution Rich countries are overdeveloped and exploit the environment
Social-Conflict analysis: Highlighting Inequality Environmental racism-pattern by which environmental hazards are greatest for poor people,especially minorities
Conservatives: Grounds for Optimism Conservatives and growing environmental awareness and better management of the environment Logic of growth model
Liberals: Grounds for Concern Neo-Malthusians The limits to growth Resources are finite Better management and conservation of resources
Radicals: Grounds for Fundamental Change Support the liberal agenda See capitalism and global inequality as a source of pollution The radical transformation of the global order and a reduction of production and consumption