Advertising’s Ages n Part One l Big Ideas l Lasker & Hopkins l Y&R l The “USP”
2 Founding Concepts: 1 The Power of Ideas l Creation & “Creative Destruction” Benjamin Franklin Alexander Hamilton Printer, “Idea Person” “The First American” U.S. as Business Partner 2 Government Supports Business
3 Very Big Ideas! 1 Big Product Idea - King Gillette 2 Big Media Idea - J. Walter Thompson 3 Big Business Idea - Cyrus Curtis
King Gillette’s Big Idea! l Gillette becomes one of first n Make a product that must be re-purchased n Advertise it aggressively “packaged goods”
J. Walter Thompson’s Big Idea! n Magazines become a national ad medium! n Sell ad space in magazines n Pocket a commission n JWT becomes key agency n And...
Cyrus Curtis’s Big Idea! n Curtis Publishing Becomes Big! n Have agencies sell ad space in your magazines for you n Only agencies can pocket a commission (clients can’t) n Ad Agency Business is Established!!
Many Early Ads Were Posters n Soaps n Cereals n Soft Drinks n Cigarettes
Ad Evolution n Lasker Hears a Big Idea... n The “Age of Lasker” l John E. Kennedy l Claude Hopkins “Advertising is salesmanship in print.” “Scientific Advertising”
Lasker’s Ads n Hopkins’ “pre-emption” n Baked Beans Created by Claude Hopkins n Cereal
Lasker’s Ads n Hopkins’ “pre-emption” n Baked Beans n Cereal Created by Claude Hopkins n Shaving Cream
Lasker’s Ads n Hopkins’ “pre-emption” n Baked Beans n Cereal Created by Claude Hopkins n Shaving Cream n Orange Juice
Lasker’s Ads n Hopkins’ “pre-emption” n Baked Beans n Cereal Created by Claude Hopkins n Shaving Cream n Orange Juice nNote: when products are new, advertising about those products can be very interesting.
Early “Pull Advertising” n Elmo Calkins & “Phoebe Snow” l Dressed in white - “Road of Anthracite”
JWT’s Creative/Business Team n Helen Resor n Stanley Resor l HS Valedictorian l Strong writing - l Professionalism l Partnership l Suffrage Leader “A skin you love to touch"
JWT’s Creative Creative that Combined Reason Why & Emotion (Daring for its time)
JWT’s Creative JWT Understood the Power of Testimonials and Celebrity Endorsement.
n Pushing Plymouth l Positioning and competing l Works best when times are tough “Pull” vs. “Push” n Example: Jordan l Imagery and “word magic” l Works best when times are good
John Caples’ Direct Approach n Father of Direct l l Major awards for direct response marketing n Learned and Shared Lessons of Direct l Initial Involvement l Best delivery of benefit John Caples of BBDO
Ray Rubicam ( Y oung & R ubicam) n Creative Control of Advertising n Used Research w. George Gallup n Writer/Art Director Team - New Standard n Ethical Behavior n First Modern Agency
Ray Rubicam ( Y oung & R ubicam) n Creative Control of Advertising n Used Research w. George Gallup n Writer/Art Director Team - New Standard n Ethical Behavior n First Modern Agency
Ray Rubicam Early (pre Y&R) Rubicam Ad Solved major competitive problem w. image and style.
Ray Rubicam This Ad was done in 1939! Power of Words + Visual Still looks contemporary.
Advertising Goes to War!! n War Advertising Council n Image Advertising (product shortages) n Part of Social Change - women in work force
2 More Big Ideas 1 “Brainstorming” l Interpublic, 1st Mega-Agency l Marion Harper 2 New Way to Organize Advertising Agencies l Alex Osborn, BBDO “Applied Imagination” l Model for Idea Development
The New Ad Medium - Television!! n Increased Post-War Consumption n Increased Ad Spending (up 300%!) n Increased Agency Size n “Modern” age of advertising begins...
Rosser Reeves & The “USP” n Unique Selling Proposition l Proposition - buy this product and get this specific benefit l Unique - competition does not or cannot offer l Must be strong enough to “move the mass millions.”
n Repeat, repeat, repeat!!! l Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. l Build strong bodies 12 ways. l Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth. l Fast, Fast, Fast Relief! Rosser Reeves & The “USP” n Unique Selling Proposition
End of Part One...