Weight Lifting: Lower Body Foundations of Personal Fitness 1
Review: Spotters The main duties of the spotter are: Helping the lifter keep the weight moving in a smooth, steady motion. Observing and pointing out any improper technique. Providing motivation and encouragement. 2
Review: Proper Grips Gripping the bar correctly ensures that the bar is firmly within your control. The type of grip used depends on the exercise. The overhand grip is one type of grip. Overhand grip A grip in which the bar is grasped with the palms facing downward and the knuckles facing upward. Term to Know 3
Review: Proper Grips The grip ensures that the bar is controlled. The type of grip used depends on the exercise. The underhand grip is one type of grip. Underhand grip A grip in which the bar is grasped with the palms facing upward and the knuckles facing downward. Term to Know 4
Review: Proper Grips The grip ensures that the bar is controlled. The type of grip used depends on the exercise. The alternated grip is one type of grip. Alternated grip A grip in which the bar is grasped with one palm facing downward and the other palm facing upward. Term to Know 5
Review: Upper Body Muscles Pectorals Bench Press, Incline Press, Push Ups Deltoids Bench/Push Ups, Military Press, Shoulder Raises, Upright Rows, Shoulder Shrugs Triceps Bench/Push Ups, Triceps Extension, Triceps Kickbacks 6
Review: Upper Body Muscles Trapezius Shrugs, Bent Over Rows, Lawnmowers, Pull Ups Latissimus Dorsi Lat Pull-Downs, Bent Over Rows, Seated Rows, Lawnmowers, Pull Ups Biceps Bicep/Hammer/Reverse Curls, Reverse Pull Ups 7
Review: Upper Body Muscles Abdominals Crunches, Sit Ups, Scissor Kicks, Toe Touches, Bicycles, etc. Oblique's Twisting Crunches, Side Planks, Side Medicine Ball Tosses, etc. 8
Muscles and Exercises: Lower Body Quadriceps Squats, Lunges, Reverse Lunges, Leg Press (Extension), Squat Jumps, Jump Rope, Power Cleans, Dead Lift Gluteus Maximus Squats, Lunges, Reverse Lunges, Leg Press, Squat Jumps, Power Cleans, Dead Lift 9
Muscles and Exercises: Lower Body Hamstrings Leg Curls (Machine), Hamstring Raises, Romanian Dead Lift, Scissor Kicks Gastrocnemius Heel Raises, Jump Rope, Plyometrics 10