Go Clean Go GREEN Jeannie Nichols MSU Extension Educator
Agenda Go Clean Go GREEN
My house I want clean, Clean without a spot But chore-time is short, more time I have not!
Schedule a Party!
Do you have clutter?
Bugs LOVE Stuff
How to Go GREEN
Go Green
Limit paper products & look for Energy Star rating.
Ways to go GREEN while making things clean.
The PTA Club
Cleaning the Old Fashioned Way
You probably have most of the effective and safe home cleaners sitting in your kitchen right now. What are they?
Baking Soda Cleans counter tops & refrigerators Eliminates odors
Vinegar shines & cleans!
Salt is a mild abrasive. Lemon juice is a grease-cutter.
By taking small steps we can all do our part toward a cleaner greener world.
Because of this presentation will you: 1. Work on cleaning clutter in your home/office… 2. When light bulbs go out replace them with compact fluorescent bulbs 3. Use MicroFiber cloths 4. Limit your use of paper cups, plates towels… 5.Use vinegar, salt, baking soda, lemon juice and other “natural” ingredients for cleaning Any other comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
References Soap and Detergent Association Michigan State University Extension bulletin E- 818 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Iowa State University Extension Household Products Center at General Foods Kitchens Reviewed by: Lisa Treiber MSU Extension Educator