Which liquid laundry soap cleans mustard stains the best. By. Katie
Hypothesis ◦ If I wash t-shirts with 1 tablespoon mustard stains in three types of liquid soap detergent ( tablespoon) hot (100), warm (75), and cold (50) water then I think Tide in hot water will work best because it is more expensive so the company put more cleaning supplies in it and hot water will dissolve the stain the best.
purpose The purpose of this project is to find out which liquid laundry soap will clean the mustard stains the best.
procedure 1.Spred the mustard evenly on the 9 pieces of white ( T-shirt). 2.let the mustard stains on there for one night 3.Wash 3 sample in each detergent on cold, warm, and hot water 4.Dry each sample 5. Review each sample to check each stain. 6. Compare results between different detergents.
materials 1. 9 white shirt 2. 2 table spoon mustard 3.All Detergent 4.Sun Detergent 5.Tide 6.Washing Machine 7.Dryer
Experiment First you take a teaspoon and put mustard in it. After that you speared the mustard on the white t shirt Then take the table spoon and put the mustard on the white t shirt Then wait one night for it to stain. Then put it in the washing machine in the different detergent.
experiment Then test all of the detergent in the water. Review all of the shirts to see if stains are still there. Then see which one is the best one that takes out the stains.
conclusion My hypothesis was wrong tide in hot water did not get the stain out the best but gain did in warm water did the best of them all.
results I took out the shirt that was wash in tide it did not do well put when I took out the gain in medium there was still the stain put it was lighter then the other were.
Future Consideration If I was to do this experiment again I would do more different types of detergent and more t shirts and I would try less of mustard stains and do it in a bucket.