Strength Training for Soccer Players Steve Murray CSCS Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Macalester College (c) 2011 Steve Murray - do not duplicate without permission
Overview Start Basic First years coming into program have separate workout Teach proper form and technique on all exercises Start basic on exercise selection and progress Develop proper movement patterns Address strength and flexibility imbalances Front to back Soccer players are generally Quad dominant Emphasis on posterior chain Flexibility Issues Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, IT Bands Side to side Dominant plant leg and contact leg Work towards unilateral movements (c) 2011 Steve Murray - do not duplicate without permission
Overview Core Strength Base Level of Strength Kinetic Chain Weak core creates inefficiency with force production from foot strike Higher Risk of Injury Would you rather open a can of paint with a screw driver or a wet noodle Base Level of Strength Squat body weight RDL 100% of body weight(80% 6 times) 3 min. plank Properly perform all upper body exercises (c) 2011 Steve Murray - do not duplicate without permission
Overview Goals – Once basic level of strength has been established Create strength and power through periodization Progress to lower reps and higher weights Progress exercises to be more explosive and complex Maintain muscle balance and flexibility Emphasis on posterior chain and unilateral movements Dynamic warm up at the start of all workouts Static Stretching at the end of each workout Foam rolling incorporated into workouts
Overview Improve Proprioception and Balance Improve dynamic stabilization in joints through training the central nervous systems Exercises designed for Proprioception training Incorporate balance into existing exercises Activation of Glutes and Abductors Continue to develop core strength Develop core through holds(planks), explosive movement(throws), and endurance(high repitition)
Workout Outline Basics Full body workout 2 to 3 times per week One day is unilateral movements/stabilization and balance Emphasis on ground based full body movements Emphasis on posterior chain Need to challenge themselves to failure in the weight room
Workout Outline Activation During warm up we utilize exercises that activate the glutes and other abductor muscles Glutes Bridges, Band Bridges, Single Leg Bridges Repitition or holds Prior to quad hip exercises Abductors Band Abduction Series, Step outs, Craby Lady, Body Weight Side Kicks Also incorporated into Core and SAQ
Workout Outline Triple Extension – extension of the ankles, knees, and Hips Every explosive movement, from sprinting to jumping involves the extension of the ankle, knee, and hip Progress from body weight exercises to Hang Cleans and Hang Snatches Can accomplish this without a weight room Med Ball Overhead Toss, Med Ball Hip Toss, Tire Flips, Vertical Jumps, Broad Jumps, Lunge Jumps
Workout Outline Quad/Hip Movement Assess through body weight squat or overhead squat Decide starting point, progress to regular squats and advanced squating movements Wall Squat, Assisted Squat, Body Weight Squat, Straight Arm Squat, Overhead Squat, Back Squat, Front Squat, Single Leg Squat Must be able to squat body weight before moving on to advanced movements or maxing out On stabilization/Unilateral movement days Start with step ups and lunge variations before progressing to single leg squats
Workout Outline Upper Body Push Exercise Base level of upper body strength is needed to assist with speed development and positioning on the soccer field Exercises Push Ups, push up variations, Bench Press, bench press variations
Workout Outline Posterior Chain Target hamstrings and Glutes Our main hamstring exercise is RDL’s Very important to stress hamstrings to keep quad hip ratio Other exercises Weighted Bridges, Machine Hamstring Curls, Stability Ball Hamstring Curls, Manual Hamstring Curls, Glute/Ham Raises Unilateral Movements S.L. Hamstring Curls, S.L. Stability Ball Hamstring Curls, S.L. RDL’s, S.L. Manual Hamstring Curls
Workout Outline Upper Body Pull Exercise Additional Exercises In order to keep the body imbalance we nee to have a pulling exercise for every push Exercise examples Pull Ups, Seated Row, Lat. Pull Down. Lateral Pull Ups, Bent Over Row, 1 Arm Bent Over Row Additional Exercises Shoulders, additional exercises for hamstrings, glutes, back, and lateral movements Opportunity to target areas of emphasis Develop balance and proprioception
Workout Outline Core Stabilizes spine, pelvic, and kinetic chain during all athletic movements Its ability to stabilize the spine allows for force development and reduces the risk of injury Develop strength, endurance and proper movement patterns Strength in exerting and withstanding force Strength means nothing if you don’t have the endurance to use that strength
Workout Outline Flexibility Foam Roll Dynamic Warm Up In Season Each workout will start with a dynamic warm up Usually start with SAQ before a lift See SAQ Dynamic Warm Up Weight room dynamic warm ups Hurdle Warm Up, Plate Warm Up, Hip Mobility Warm Up, Complex Warm Up Foam Roll In Season Part of lift Off Season At the end of the workout Static Stretch After all workouts(practice, games, lifts, conditioning)
Example Hurdle Warm Up Band Abduction Series DB Hip Swings 3 x 3 each arm Ss w/ S.L. Bridges 3 x 10 each leg Single Leg Squats 3 x 6 each leg DB Alt. Bench Press 3 x 6 each arm S.L. RDL’s 3 x 6 each leg Pull Ups 3 x 6 – 8 S.L. DB Alt. Shoulder Press 2 x 6 each arm/leg Balance Board Squat Hold 2 x 30 sec. Timed Abs 2 x 45 sec. each way Planks, Side Planks, Dead Bug
Information Steve Murray Fitness at Macalester 651-696-6748 Fitness at Macalester Channel: Macalesterfitness