CO: I will describe how the digestive system interacts with other systems. LO: I will fill in a graphic organizer. I will listen to descriptions. I will create a brochure.
What do animals need to live? Animals make energy using: – Food (glucose) – Oxygen This process is known as cellular respiration Animals build bodies using: – food for raw materials amino acids, sugars, fats, nucleotides – ATP energy for synthesis – Water for hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis O2O2 food ATP mitochondria
Take Off, Touch Down! Stand up for true, sit down for false. Food spends 2-6 hours partially digested in the stomach In 12 to 24 hours, any undigested material passes through the large intestine, and feces are expelled through the anus Your stomach can stretch to fit ~1/2 gallon of food in it.
Getting & Using Food Ingest – taking in food Digest – mechanical digestion breaking up food into smaller pieces – chemical digestion breaking down food into molecules small enough to be absorbed into cells enzymes Absorb – absorb nutrients across cell membranes diffusion active transport Eliminate – undigested material passes out of body intracellular digestion extracellular digestion
mouth break up food digest starch kill germs moisten food
stomach kills germs break up food digest proteins store food sphincter mouth break up food digest starch kill germs moisten food
stomach kills germs break up food digest proteins store food mouth break up food digest starch kill germs moisten food pancreas produces enzymes to digest proteins & starch
pancreas produces enzymes to digest proteins & starch stomach kills germs break up food digest proteins store food mouth break up food digest starch kill germs moisten food liver produces bile - stored in gall bladder break up fats bile contains colors from old red blood cells collected in the liver = iron in RBC rusts & makes feces brown bile contains colors from old red blood cells collected in the liver = iron in RBC rusts & makes feces brown
small intestines breakdown food - proteins - starch - fats absorb nutrients stomach kills germs break up food digest proteins store food mouth break up food digest starch kill germs moisten food pancreas produces enzymes to digest proteins & starch liver produces bile - stored in gall bladder break up fats
stomach kills germs break up food digest proteins store food mouth break up food digest starch kill germs moisten food small intestines breakdown food - proteins - starch - fats absorb nutrients pancreas produces enzymes to digest proteins & starch liver produces bile - stored in gall bladder break up fats large intestines absorb water
You’ve got company! Living in the large intestine is a community of helpful bacteria – Escherichia coli: E. coli digest cellulose – digests fruits & vegetables produce vitamins – vitamin K & B vitamins BUT also generate gases – by-product of bacterial metabolism – methane, hydrogen sulfide – STINKY! PEE-YOO!
stomach kills germs break up food digest proteins store food mouth break up food digest starch kill germs moisten food small intestines breakdown food - proteins - starch - fats absorb nutrients liver produces bile - stored in gall bladder break up fats large intestines absorb water appendix pancreas produces enzymes to digest proteins & carbs
Rectum Last section of large intestines – eliminate feces – what’s left over after digestion? undigested materials – mainly cellulose from plants – called roughage or fiber – keeps everything moving & cleans out intestines masses of bacteria So don’t forget to wash your hands!
Need to make sure you get enough protein – 20 amino acids to make protein 12 amino acids humans can produce 8 we have to eat = “essential amino acids” – Grains (like corn) have 6 amino acids missing 2 – Beans (like soybean & red beans) have 6 amino acids missing different 2 mix beans & grains for complete group of amino acids – rice & beans – taco/tortilla & beans – tofu & rice – peanut butter & bread Vegetarian diets
Feedback: Maintaining Homeostasis Balancing glucose levels in blood pancreas insulin liver takes up glucose for storage cells take up glucose from blood liver releases glucose to blood depress appetite stimulate hunger glucagon
Digestion Brochure Choose and research one of the following diseases/disorders: – Ulcers – Scurvy – Rickets – Diarrhea – Constipation – Anemia – Acid Indigestion (heartburn) Create a brochure (like you might see at a doctor’s office) that explains: – what the disease is – how it’s caused – how to treat it – illustrate the part of the digestive system it affects The front cover needs to have a question as a title. For example, if you were researching lactose intolerance, “Why can’t I drink milk?” Given the information about the disorder, YOU have to determine how it could it fixed or treated!
Ulcers Peptic ulcers are holes or breaks in the protective lining of the upper part of the small intestine or the stomach -- areas that come into contact with stomach acids and enzymes Scurvy A disease resulting from a deficiency (lack) of vitamin C (“pirate disease) Rickets A softening of bones in immature mammals due to deficiency or impaired metabolism of vitamin D, phosphorus, or calcium, potentially leading to fractures and deformity. It can also be caused by severe diarrhea and vomiting Diarrhea The condition of having three or more loose or liquid bowel movements per day. The loss of fluids through diarrhea can cause dehydration and electrolyte disturbances such as potassium deficiencies or other salt imbalances Constipation Refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. Constipation is a common cause of painful defecation. Severe constipation includes obstipation (failure to pass stools or gas) and fecal impaction, which can progress to bowel obstruction and become life-threatening. Anemia A decrease in number of red blood cells (RBCs) or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. A deficiency in iron can result in anemia. Acid Indigestion (“Heartburn”) The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is usually associated with regurgitation (bringing back up) of gastric acid.