Obchodní akademie, Ostrava-Poruba, příspěvková organizace Vzdělávací materiál/DUMVY_32_INOVACE_06A /1 Jobs and Professions AutorMgr. Jana Kondeková Období vytvořeníZáří 2012 Ročník/věková kategorie4. ročník / let Vyučovací předmět/klíčová slova Anglický jazyk/Jobs Part One: Professions Anotace Práce slouží k procvičení slovní zásoby s problematikou Jobs a Professions
JOBS Part One Jobs and Professions
Exercises Exercise 1: What jobs are defined here? Somebody who … Choose among the following ones: Exercise 2 : What does … do?
Keys Key: Exercise 1 Key: Exercise 2
Exercise 1:What jobs are defined here? Somebody who … 1. treats patients is … 2. helps people with legal problems is … 3. looks after ill people is … 4. operates on people is … 5. designs buildings is … 6. buys and sells shares is … 7. repairs cars is … 8. builds walls is … 9. flies a plane is … 10. teaches people how to drive a car is …
Exercise 1: What jobs are defined here? Somebody who … 11. works at the cash desk is … 12. cleans the floors is … 13. drives a taxi is … 14. teaches pupils or students is … 15. plays football and gets money for it is … 16. borrows books or magazines in the library is … 17. writes symphones or concertos is … 18. stars in a film is … 19. works for the Parliament is … 20. treats ill animals is …
Choose among the following ones: a vet, a doctor, an MP/a politician, a lawyer, an actor/an actress, a nurse, a cashier, a composer, a surgeon, a taxi driver, a cleaning lady, a car school driver, a broker, an architect, a librarian, a professional footballer, a teacher, a mechanic, a pilot, a brick layer,
Key - Exercise 1 1. a doctor 2. a lawyer 3. a nurse 4. a surgeon 5. an architect 6. a broker 7. a mechanic 8. a brick layer 9. a pilot 10. a car school teacher
Key - Exercise a cashier 12. a cleaning lady 13. a taxi driver 14. a teacher 15. a professional footballer 16. a librarian 17. a composer 18. an actor/ an actress 19. an MP/ a politician 20. a vet
Exercise 2 : What does … do? 1, a teacher a, learns at home b, teaches pupils or students c, helps customers in the shop 2, a secretary a, types letters and helps her boss b, uses English all day c, visits her customers 3, an architect a, designs houses b, mows lawns c, builds houses
Exercise 2 : What does … do? 4, a mechanic a, repairs cars b, sells cars c, buys cars 5, a shop assistant a, buys goods b, assists customers in the shop c, explains various business problems 6, a tour guide a, accompanies tourists on their journeys or trips b, puts goods on the shelves c, sells air tickets
Exercise 2:What does … do? 7, an interpreter a, translates texts into foreign languages b, helps people to study foreign languages c, interprets for other people 8, a bus driver a, drives a bus b, repairs a bus or a tram c, sells various means of transport 9, a gardener a, looks after flowers, vegetables, fruit trees in the garden b, sells the gardens c, designs the gardens
Exercise 2 : What does … do? 10, a doctor a, takes care about ill people b, checks people´s teeth c, sells some medicine 11, a lawyer a, deals with people´s legal problems b, deals with money c, writes special books on people´s problems 12, a singer a, sings songs to his/her fans b, sells new CDs c, presents the news on TV
Exercise 2 : What does … do? 13, a farmer a, grows vegetables, fruit trees and bushes, raises cattle b,buys vegetables c, helps people to understand what farming means 14, a miner a, looks for plastics b, works in the mine, especially looks for coal c, travels all over the world 15, a dressmaker a, makes clothes b, sells clothes c, cleans clothes
Key- Exercise 2 1.b, 2.a, 3.a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. c, 8. a, 9.a, 10.a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. a, 14.b, 15. a
Bibliography MURPHY, R. English Grammar in Use. 3rd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., ISBN
The End of Part One Thank You for Your Attention. Mgr. Jana Kondeková