NYSTESOL Nov 2013 C. Carlson, J. Michielli-Pendl, C. Underwood Project MAST 2 ER SUNY Fredonia
What’s your name?
Introductions: “I’m Ms. Carlson.” Name game
Practice with teacher “Hello, my name is Ms. Carlson.” “Hi, my name is ________.” “Nice to meet you.” “Pass it on” Student to student practice
______, this is ______. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.
A: What’s your first name? B: Ana. (Andrew) A: What’s your last name? B: Santos. A: Please spell that. B: S-A-N-T-O-S.
A: 1. Heist 2. Carlson 3. Lyons 4. Gonzales 5. Bulger A: 1. Heist 2. Carlson 3. Lyons 4. Gonzales 5. Bulger B: 1. Dunkirk 2. Buffalo 3. Fredonia 4. Erie 5. Silver Creek B: 1. Dunkirk 2. Buffalo 3. Fredonia 4. Erie 5. Silver Creek
D: 1. Science 2. Math 3. Global 4. English 5. Health D:D: 1. Science 2. Math 3. Global 4. English 5. Health C: 1. Central 2. Middle 3. Sixth 4. Lakeshore 5. Main C:C: 1. Central 2. Middle 3. Sixth 4. Lakeshore 5. Main
*Ask the students in your group these questions *Write the answers in the chart What’s your first name? What’s your last name? Where are you from? What language do you speak? What’s your nationality? What’s your street address? What city do you live in? What’s your zip code? What’s your phone number? What grade are you in? What school do you go to? How old are you?
1. What class does she/she have first? 2. Who is his/her 1 st period teacher? 3. What time does he/she have math? 4. What period does he/she have science? 5. What time does he/she have ESL? 6. What period does he/she have lunch? 7. What class does he/she have after lunch? 8. What’s his/her 7 th period class? 9. What class does he/she have at 12:30? 10. What is his/her last class? 1. What class does she/she have first? 2. Who is his/her 1 st period teacher? 3. What time does he/she have math? 4. What period does he/she have science? 5. What time does he/she have ESL? 6. What period does he/she have lunch? 7. What class does he/she have after lunch? 8. What’s his/her 7 th period class? 9. What class does he/she have at 12:30? 10. What is his/her last class?
Do you have a niece or nephew? Do you have family in Jayuya? Do you have family in New York City?
This is mine! That’s yours! Don’t touch mine! Get your own! This is mine! That’s yours! This is mine! That’s yours! This is mine! That’s yours! Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing with that? That’s mine! Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing with that? That’s his! Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing with that? That’s hers! What’s mine is mine. What’s yours is yours. What’s his is his. What’s hers is hers. What’s ours is ours. What’s theirs is theirs. Jazz Chants, Carolyn Graham, 1978.
QuestionYour Answers __________’s Answers 1. Who is our principal? 2. Who is our assistant principal? 3. Who is your counselor? 4. Who is your math teacher? 5. Who is your social studies teacher? 6. Who is your gym teacher? 7. Who is our nurse? 8. Who is your 3 rd period teacher? 9. Who is your 8 th period teacher? 10. Who is your 1 st period teacher?
Main OfficeGuidance OfficeAll the School Health OfficeCafeteriaClassrooms Library (Media Center) Gym Principal Assistant principal Secretary Counselor Secretary Psychologist Social worker Custodian Cleaner Cook Server Cashier Librarian Gym teacher Coach Teacher Student Aide Consultant teacher Nurse
JobWhat do they do everyday? A principal An assistant principal A secretary A librarian A custodian A nurse A counselor A cafeteria worker A teacher An aide A student
explain to studentsobserves teachersorganizes books, CDs, DVDs and equipment give adviceplan lessons gives ice packssolves problemsgive detention and suspension helps the principaldo homeworkcook and serve food write, read, studymakes appointmentsanswer phones checks sick studentstype on the computerCleans the school take moneyteaches sportsanswers the phone helps teachers and students find books make student schedulesfixes things Use this word bank to fill in cloze. Try not to look at text!
There are many people who work in Dunkirk Middle School. People work in the Main Office, the Guidance Office, the library, the Health Office, the classrooms, and the cafeteria. Some people work all around the school. #3
Four people work in the Main Office. The principal is Mr. Boyda. He ___________ ______________. He also __________________. The assistant principal is Mr. Vallone. He _________________. He gives _______________. The secretaries are Ms. Lynne and Ms. Barberich. They _________________ and ___________________.
Four people work in the Guidance Office. Mr. Jagoda, Ms. Nieves, and Ms. Manzella. They are counselors. They _________________ and ______________. Ms. Glapa is the secretary. She __________________. She also ___________________.
One person works in the library. Ms. Stolinksi is the librarian. She ____________ ____________________. She also _____________________, CDs, DVDs and equipment.
Ms. Mosher works in the Health Office. She is the nurse. She ________________. She also _________________________.
Teachers and students work in classrooms. Ms. Carlson and Ms. Valone-Panek are ESL teachers. Ms. Lutz and Mr. Vandette are Social Studies teachers. Mr. Cook is a P.E. teacher. Ms. Lichorat and Mr. Szymczak are Math teachers. Teachers _____________________ and _________________. Students ____________, ____________, and ________________.