Handle District PD massive day workshops PLUS everyday workshops Easily define/post workshops and have employees find/register – no extra work.. All through Employee Connect Ability to restrict workshop view/registration only to applicable employees (Geared just for teachers, or just EA’s for example) Provide easy/online APP for Initiator/Facilitator to manage their own workshops Attach their own document/instructions View applicants, Print, , Download Manage waitlist Take attendance Be able to mass assign/manage workshops to appropriate employees, RSVP, integrate with Employee History Be able to provide meaningful reporting and analysis Integrate fully with absences, leaves, payroll and accounting for appropriate charging, timecard, and absences.
Great PD Day reporting (POS.545) on how many W/shops people have registered for and list those that have no w/shops picked – Integrate with Absences to know. Ability to hande flu shot scheduling or hearing tests … Create one then POS.568 to create the 100+ items then GO Ability to use Webform to RSVP for pre-assigned WorkShops New Waitlist feature and allowing Employee to Withdraw (as long as leave not built) Custom messaging that registrants receive upon registering New cost, initiator, hours fields for better reporting/filtering New mass build timecards from workshop records for situations where attending a workshop (e.g.: Casual EA’s means time worked) New cancel workshop option – so appropriately withdraws all registrants (looks better, cleans up employee history view New * status option for workshop status for employees that converts to R on save but marks the registration as unapproved NOT approved by you
POS.564 H/R Workshop Attendees vs. Sub Absences Added option to exclude unapproved registrations (applies to workshops requiring approvals only); unapproved registrations won’t auto build sub absences so they would be missing anyway Indicate R* for unapproved registrations in workshops requiring approval POS.584 Unapproved Workshop List New report to produce a list of employees by location who have unapproved workshops … same logic as what is indicated in Admin Connect so you can find what registrations are triggering the when the administrator questions it At RETSD … Facilitators can edit Workshop Text … would other customers like that feature? Key Fields:
Is Web but not as web “appy” (newest entries, calendar) What are the key features we could incorporate? Does not create a workshop schedule - be able to actually schedule workshop dates/rooms. Workshop entry is in Core … hmm if not who/how/control? - “hover” across workshop – box describing it fully - New Items posted feature?
Keywords versus categories ** Search is already good checking all text fields** Categories: District PD, District Event, Job specific, Workshop Keywords: Early Year, Middle Years, Special ED, WPSH, … POS.320 has been changed so keywords are table driven (EIS.215)! Connect search will be/has been updated to allow selection for search How to better handle multi-series workshops.. The question is: When to put those registrants into the other workshop(s) … At time of entry into the first? At time of approval? OR handle manually?
Workshop date changes … what steps to take? 1.Use POS.564 to list who has registered and what status they are at and whether Sub entries exist 2.Cancel this workshop – cannot just Change the date because leave and sub records may have already been created.. New POS.569 to change all registrations to ‘W’ and cancel workshop 3.Use POS.568 to copy/create the new workshop and then edit for dates etc. 4.Use POS.565 to move all the registrants over **CAREFUL to change status to R (which will be R* if approval necessary) 5.Deal with the mess of the cancelled workshop re: Leaves and Subs -POS.564 to indicate what Sub records have already been built so that you can hand this to Sub Desk for handling and “Deleting” -For those where sub records have not been created – look on POS.564 for all that are ‘R’ and cancel those leaves
Offer a one-stop shop calendar that automatically incorporates: Workshops from workshop calendar Events as indicated in POS.350 (Courier Schedule, Board Meetings, School Calendar (Student system) entries marked for District Calendar = Y.. Incorporate school entries automatically (loc,type,date,text) Powerful search, filter Summary view EXCELLENT for planning purposes URL will work outside of Employee Connect – can be posted/visible right from your main district/employee staff portal